RT @mqnaufal
இந்த ட்விட்டர்க்காரனும் என்னென்னத்தையோ பண்ணி பாக்குறான். தடுக்க முடியலையே. #GoBackModi #GoBack_Modi #GoBackFascistModi #GoBackSadistModi
#gobackmodi #GoBack_modi #gobackfascistmodi #gobacksadistmodi
Will Modi come to TamilNadu when DMK is in Power?
#GoBackFascistModi will be out in streets then.
RT @AghilaDevi
அட நெஜமாவே சொல்லிருக்காரு..
What is that Ra ...!
Forgot to add #GoBackModi #GoBackFascistModi
#gobackfascistmodi #gobackmodi
Fascism is never by a single or a group of persons; but a form of capitalism, extremely rotten & violent, due economic crisis, a system, a movement, a process; which had a past/present (& will have a future), an extraordinary situation and needs an extraordinary movement/tactics/strategy to smash it!
Tamil Ai translator is on a mood today 🔥
#GoBackFascistModi #GoBackModi #GoBackSadistModi #PoMoneModi
#pomonemodi #GoBackSadistModi #gobackmodi #gobackfascistmodi
RT @Inquestioner
#GoBackFascistModi because this is the land of Periyar & Anna.
We despise divisive, sanatanic, bigoted, cowards who are compulsive liars.
IT cell employee: manager sir, mudiji leaves TN afternoon. can i tweet tnwelcomesmodi till that & take off?
Manager: dey, didn't you see his schedule? today we are doing overtime.
#gobackmodi #GoBackSadistModi #gobackfascistmodi
Parrot 1: #GoBackModi
Parrot 2: #GoBackCowardModi
Parrot 3: #GoBackFascistModi &
Me: #GoBackSadistModi
#GoBackSadistModi #gobackfascistmodi #GoBackCowardModi #gobackmodi