#JenniferNettles, who recently starred as Jenna Hunterson in #Broadway's #Waitress musical, is joining #Peacock's #TheExorcist sequel in a 'key role' that is so far being kept under wraps. The film is part of a new trilogy, with #EllenBurstyn reprising her role of Chris MacNeil from the original film. Nettles has also appeared on #HBO's #TheRighteousGemstones, in the film #Harriet, and was a judge on #TBS' #GoBigShow. She will also be hosting #FOX reality series #FarmerWantsAWife.
#jennifernettles #broadway #waitress #peacock #theexorcist #ellenburstyn #hbo #therighteousgemstones #harriet #tbs #gobigshow #fox #farmerwantsawife