Kotaku: Diablo IV Players Are Getting Destroyed By 'Harmless' Treasure Goblins https://kotaku.com/diablo-4-treasure-goblins-bug-death-pulse-hardcore-kill-1850596257 #gaming #tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #roleplayingvideogames #videogamesequels #blizzardgames #dungeoncrawl #windowsgames #gobliiins #diablo #sports #goblin #veins #loot #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #actionroleplayingvideogames #roleplayingvideogames #videogamesequels #blizzardgames #dungeoncrawl #windowsgames #gobliiins #diablo #sports #goblin #veins #loot #rpg
Out of nowhere, Pierre Gilhodes (Designer / Artist behind the original Gobliiins games) released #Gobliiins 5 yesterday. The original games have a special place in my heart and had a huge part in me becoming interested in video games as a child.
If you like classic #Point&Click adventures, this one's a must-buy!
Looking forward to playing it.
Let's play Gobliiins - GoG release - whole game in one stream
#SmashTom #Gobliiins #AdventureGames #AdventureGame #CoktelVision #PointandClick #Retrogaming #Retrogames #90sAdventureGames
#smashtom #gobliiins #adventuregames #adventuregame #coktelvision #pointandclick #retrogaming #retrogames #90sAdventureGames
Feel like this week has just flown away?
We're playing more Gobliiins tonight at 1900 GMT over at https://twitch.tv/betsyandsamantha
#twitch #gobliiins #goblins #retrogaming