I added -n and -q options.
-n just print target directory, without change working directory.
-q quiet, don't run ls at the end.
$ gocd -nq ParSigmaOdd progs/
just print (even if this path doesn't exist) $HOME/data/git/current/parallel-sigma_odd-problem/progs/
$ cat $(gocd -nq ParSigmaOdd README.md)
is equivalent to run
$ cat $HOME/data/git/current/parallel-sigma_odd-problem/README.md
So the idea is to have an alternative of cd command with some usual shortcuts.
More explanations about installation, use and examples, available on the Bitbucket repository.
P.-S.: This is the same command that I shared 2 weeks ago. I just renamed the command from go to gocd to avoid name conflict with the go compiler.
💻🧰🐧 #gocd: Little #Bash command to change working directory, as traditional #cd command, but with a NAME instead a directory, from a list of association NAME: DIRECTORY.
By example, if configuration file contents this line: git ~/data/git
$ gocd git
is equivalent to run
$ cd ~/data/git; ls
$ gocd git archives/library/assertopencl/
is equivalent to run
$ cd ~/data/git/archives/library/assertopencl/; ls
Both arguments are autocompleted.
#gocdBash #shell #cd #bash #gocd