RT @MikeHudema
We're building a world of waste. The Bantar Gebang landfill outside of Jakarta alone stretches across 200 football fields.
It's time to move beyond linear systems to ones that are truly circular in nature: https://buff.ly/3m953T1
#gocircular #buyless #wasteless #useless
RT @MikeHudema
We're building a world of waste. The Bantar Gebang landfill outside of Jakarta alone stretches across 200 football fields.
It's time to move beyond linear systems to ones that are truly circular in nature: https://buff.ly/3m953T1
#gocircular #Buyless #wasteless #useless
@baarda #GoCircular, #WasteManagment, #Waste. #ZeroWaste your home. Zero waste your job. Zero waste the corporations. This will help the planet.
#gocircular #wastemanagment #waste #zerowaste