“The Argyle Sweater” added to comics aggregator
At a reader's request, I've added The Argyle Sweater from GoComics to the comics aggregator.
I'd never heard of this comic before receiving this request, and when I went to look at it I laughed out loud at all of its five most recent comics, so I've also added it to my own daily comics reading. You shou
#comicsaggregator #gocomics #theargylesweater
I maintain a #Comics aggregator you can use to read your daily comic strips and columnists in one place. The aggregator itself is at https://comics.kamens.us/. The user guide is https://blog.kamens.us/comics-aggregator/. Today's updates at https://blog.kamens.us/2023/01/02/comics-funky-winkerbean-ceased-publication-crankshaft-mother-goose-grimm-moved-from-comics-kingdom-to-gocomics/: #FunkyWinkerbean has ceased publication, and #Crankshaft and #MotherGooseAndGrimm have moved from #ComicsKingdom to #GoComics.
#comics #funkywinkerbean #crankshaft #mothergooseandgrimm #comicskingdom #gocomics
My sanity sketch for Dec 18 is up at #gocomics - coffee for the serious. #coffee #gocomics #thenorm #jantze #caffeine #comicstrip #sanitysketch - https://www.gocomics.com/studio-jantze/2022/12/19
#gocomics #coffee #thenorm #jantze #caffeine #comicstrip #sanitysketch
Stay safe out there! Going home for the hellidays can be dangerous! #thenorm #jantze #comic #comicstrip #gocomics
#thenorm #jantze #comic #comicstrip #gocomics
Last day of #normvember on #gocomics #thenorm #thenormcomic #comstrips #sanitysketch
#normvember #gocomics #thenorm #thenormcomic #comstrips #sanitysketch
Before a certain dinosaur movie franchise ruined them, Bill Watterson occasionally incorporated dinosaurs into Calvin and Hobbes! #CalvinAndHobbes #SundayFunnies #comicstrip
Oh, and #GoComics is finally back up!
#calvinandhobbes #SundayFunnies #comicstrip #gocomics
As a final (?) #GoComics update, it looks like they're finally getting the site back up. Perhaps in a few hours it will be fully operational.
#GoComics Down “Due to…Cybersecurity Issues” https://www.dailycartoonist.com/index.php/2022/11/21/gocomics-down-due-to-cybersecurity-issues/ #Dilbert
This random site claims a "cybersecurity incident", which I guess adds a little credibility to the whole hacking rumour.
You KNOW I was only kidding when I said someone should set up a Twitter replacement in the Mutt & Jeff comments section, right?
#comicstrips #gocomics #websiteoutages #cybersecurity
#GoComics has been offline all weekend. How am I supposed to shout at #NewspaperComics today without buying a newspaper? I have a brand image to keep up, after all.
My #sanitysketch for today on #gocomics celebrates the debut of #calvinandhobbes all those years ago. Bill was a mentor to me as I was getting my cartooning act together some 30 years ago.
#sanitysketch #gocomics #calvinandhobbes
OK, #introduction!
I'm a #cartoonist, #illustrator & #editor. My 1st comic was THE HOOKAH GIRL AND OTHER TRUE STORIES & I have a serialized comic, LEGENDS IN THE HEIGHTS, at #GoComics. I was a concept artist for the video games #SixAges and #LightsGoingOut and I edited the tabletop #RPG #Blackbirds.
I like to say my work is rooted in social justice w/a decorative flair. I'm also #Palestinian so I talk about that!
I love #BadMovies, #animals, #VideoGames, #bicycling, & #food & live in NYC!
#introduction #cartoonist #illustrator #editor #gocomics #SixAges #LightsGoingOut #rpg #blackbirds #palestinian #badmovies #animals #videogames #bicycling #food
#TomTheDancingBug #20200424 Featuring #LuckyDucky!
by #RubenBolling via #GoComics
#gocomics #tomthedancingbug #LuckyDucky #rubenbolling