Anyone else getting an error message when trying to delete their Twitter accounts?
#twitter #theplatformformerlyknownastwitter #goddamit
I'm going to write a proposal for a talk about all the evil shit I have do to unity to make it usable just to serve it's basic function as an editor for games.
Some areas I want to cover
1. Using harmony to runtime patch the editor to get around dumb code in dlls/packages.
2. Hijacking built-in windows to create usable multipanel tools specific to your game.
3. Abusing asset pipeline processors to automate busywork and build tools that should be standard features.
Can I just take a minute to say that 3D printers that don't have open firmware and to which you can't add cooling that can be controlled in gcode are awful and should be launched into the sun aaaaaaargh
#3DPrinting #goddamit