Resharing an old blog post on mythless gods and spirits:
"But today I just wanted to express something that I’m not sure I hear enough: I love worshipping mythless gods. I feel like it forces me to step out of that comfort zone that are myths and correspondence tables. I have no choice but to put all my attention on the actual relationship that I’m developing with the gods through a regular gifting cycle, expressed mainly at this time through a regular hearth cult, semi-regular athletic cultus, and other sporadic prayers & leaving of offerings."
#mythless #polytheism #GoddessesOfMysteriousOrigins #myths #GiftingCycle #ContinentalGermanicPolytheism #GaulishReconstruction
#mythless #polytheism #goddessesofmysteriousorigins #myths #giftingcycle #continentalgermanicpolytheism #gaulishreconstruction