Inquiry Into Inquiry • On Initiative 1
Re: R.J. Lipton and K.W. Regan • Sorting and Proving
❝GPT-3 works by playing a game of “guess the next word” in a phrase.
This is akin to “guess the next move” in chess and other games, and
we will have more to say about it.❞
My Observation —
As a person who struggles on a daily basis to rise to the level of sentience
I've learned it has more to do with beginning than ending this sentence.
#GödelsLostLetter #ComputationalComplexity #BooleanSatisfiability #SAT
#Logic #AbductionDeductionInduction #PropositionalCalculus #LLM #GPT
#gpt #llm #PropositionalCalculus #abductiondeductioninduction #logic #sat #booleansatisfiability #ComputationalComplexity #godelslostletter