#InformedConsentMatters #CrimesAgainstHumanity #StopTheShots #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #SaveTheChildren #ShineTheLight #TeamHumanity #NaturalImmunity #GodGivenRights #DoNotComply
‘Lot of Red Flags’: Florida Surgeon General Warns Against New COVID-19 Vaccines
#InformedConsentMatters #crimesagainsthumanity #stoptheshots #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #savethechildren #ShinetheLight #teamhumanity #naturalimmunity #godgivenrights #donotcomply
#Equity #Communism #SaveAmerica #Freedom #Liberty #IndividualRights #ConstitutionalRights #GodGivenRights #FreeTheUSA #ShineTheLight
Equity’ Is a Communist Tactic That Destroys Nations: Cultural Revolution Survivor Lily Tang Williams
Download our app to read more at https://ept.ms/DownloadApp
#ShinetheLight #FreeTheUSA #godgivenrights #constitutionalrights #individualrights #liberty #freedom #saveamerica #communism #equity
Wait...what??? Can’t make this stuff up! #GreatReset #WEF #ClimateChange #GlobalistCabal Pure #HogWash to state it nicely....& the #WarOnChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity continues. Rooting for #TeamHumanity against mentally unstable, dastardly, kooky psychopaths looking for another sick fix at the expense of children & humanity. #EvilTyrants #Freedom #GodGivenRights #GodGivenLiberty
#GodGivenLiberty #godgivenrights #freedom #EvilTyrants #teamhumanity #crimesagainsthumanity #waronchildren #HogWash #globalistcabal #climatechange #wef #GreatReset
#DefeatTheMandates #NoMandates #Freedom #Liberty
#HealthFreedom #MyBodyMyProperty #CrimesAgainstHumanity #ResistTyranny #GodGivenRights #IndividualRights #ConstitutionalRights #LiveFree #StopTheMadness
#StopTheMadness #livefree #constitutionalrights #individualrights #godgivenrights #resisttyranny #crimesagainsthumanity #MyBodyMyProperty #HealthFreedom #liberty #freedom #NoMandates #DefeattheMandates
#NoMandates #HealthFreedom Tune in to the live stream Sunday Jan 23 The Peaceful Pro Freedom March from the Washington Monument to the Lincoln Memorial starts at 11:30 with live coverage starting at 12:30 EST#DefeatTheMandates #WeThePeople are saying NO to #medicaltyranny #CovidCommunism and the cancellation of our #GodGivenRights #bodyautonomy #civilrights #IndividualRights & #constitutionalrights #UnitedWeStand
#unitedwestand #constitutionalrights #individualrights #civilrights #BodyAutonomy #godgivenrights #CovidCommunism #medicaltyranny #wethepeople #HealthFreedom #NoMandates
#StopTheClotShot #CovidJab #ClotShot #SpikeProteinBioWeapon #CrimesAgainstHumanity #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #MyBodyMyProperty #InformedConsent #CivilRights #ConstitutionalRights #GodGivenRights
#godgivenrights #constitutionalrights #civilrights #InformedConsent #MyBodyMyProperty #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #crimesagainsthumanity #SpikeProteinBioWeapon #clotshot #covidjab #StopTheClotShot
#HealthFreedom NO to #MedicalTyranny #NoMandates #Freedom #Liberty #WakeUpAmerica #EnoughIsEnough #JustSayNo #StopTheMadness #MakeAmericaFreeAgain #MAFA #StopTheClotShot #BodyAutonomy #MyBodyMyProperty #CrimesAgainstHumanity #CivilRights #GodGivenRights #HumanRights #ConstitutionalRights
#constitutionalrights #humanrights #godgivenrights #civilrights #crimesagainsthumanity #MyBodyMyProperty #BodyAutonomy #StopTheClotShot #MAFA #makeamericafreeagain #StopTheMadness #justsayno #enoughisenough #wakeupamerica #liberty #freedom #NoMandates #medicaltyranny #HealthFreedom
#JusticeForAshli #EqualJustice #Justice #JusticeForAll Isn’t “Lady Justice” supposed to be blind? Do our rights as American citizens matter? Does the Constitution matter? Does service to the Country matter? Do our individual #GodGivenRights matter? Does a basic, common, decent, moral, human, lawful right to life matter? #WeThePeople should demand answers to these questions from those in our Country’s leadership positions. We should demand answers #ReleaseProtesters
#ReleaseProtesters #wethepeople #godgivenrights #justiceforall #justice #EqualJustice #JusticeForAshli
#NoFear God is not a God of fear, because fear involves torment, but a God of perfect love that casts out fear.
1 John 4:18 says: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love.” NKJV
Fear has been/is being used to try and destroy:
#HealthFreedom #Freedom #Liberty #CivilRights #IndividualRights #BillOfRights #GodGivenRights #ConstitutionalRights — #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#crimesagainsthumanity #constitutionalrights #godgivenrights #billofrights #individualrights #civilrights #liberty #freedom #HealthFreedom #nofear
#SmokingGun Collusion to stop a scientific approach to public health? #LockdownsDoHarm #DarknessToLight #Light #Freedom #HealthFreedom #Liberty #EnoughIsEnough #NoMandates #NoLockdowns
#CrimesAgainstHumanity #SaveOurChildren #StandForSomething #JustSayNo #WeWillNotComply #BodyAutonomy #NurembergCode #InformedConsent #MyBodyMyProperty #CivilRights #HumanRights #ConstitutionalRights #GodGivenRights Read up on the Nuremberg Code of 1947 #wakeupamerica
#wakeupamerica #godgivenrights #constitutionalrights #humanrights #civilrights #MyBodyMyProperty #InformedConsent #NurembergCode #BodyAutonomy #WeWillNotComply #justsayno #StandForSomething #saveourchildren #crimesagainsthumanity #NoLockdowns #NoMandates #enoughisenough #liberty #HealthFreedom #freedom #light #DarknessToLight #LockdownsDoHarm #smokinggun
WakeUpAmerica Mass hypnosis? Wake Up! Quit listening to and consuming #FakeNews #EnoughIsEnough #DarknessToLight #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #Freedom #Liberty #CivilRights #HumanRights #GodGivenRights #SaveOurChildren #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#crimesagainsthumanity #saveourchildren #godgivenrights #humanrights #civilrights #liberty #freedom #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #DarknessToLight #enoughisenough #fakenews
#NoMandates #HealthFreedom #MyBodyMyProperty #CivilRights #HumanRights #GodGivenRights NO #MedicalTyranny #EnoughIsEnough #FreedomSolidarity
#CovidJabSafety #Facts #SafetyData #InformedConsent #saveourchildren
#saveourchildren #InformedConsent #SafetyData #facts #CovidJabSafety #FreedomSolidarity #enoughisenough #medicaltyranny #godgivenrights #humanrights #civilrights #MyBodyMyProperty #HealthFreedom #NoMandates
#GoodNews a win for #CivilRights #HumanRights #IndividualRights #GodGivenRights #ConstitutionalRights #MedicalRights #MyBodyMyProperty #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #SaveOurChildren #SaveTheChildren #WeWillNotComply RESIST #MedicalTyranny #CovidCommunism SUPPORT #Freedom #Liberty
#liberty #freedom #CovidCommunism #medicaltyranny #WeWillNotComply #savethechildren #saveourchildren #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #MyBodyMyProperty #MedicalRights #constitutionalrights #godgivenrights #individualrights #humanrights #civilrights #GoodNews
#WakeUpAmerica #TheGreatAwakening say no to #MedicalTyranny #CovidCommunism #CrimesAgainstHumanity #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #MyBodyMyProperty #BodyAutonomy #IndividualRights #GodGivenRights #ConstitutionalRights #HumanRights #Freedom #Liberty #GodWinsVsEvil
#GodWinsVsEvil #liberty #freedom #humanrights #constitutionalrights #godgivenrights #individualrights #BodyAutonomy #MyBodyMyProperty #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #crimesagainsthumanity #CovidCommunism #medicaltyranny #thegreatawakening #wakeupamerica
#WeWillNotComply #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #MyBodyMyProperty
#CivilRights #HumanRights #GodGivenRights #ConstitutionalRights
#SaveTheChildren #SaveOurChildren
#Freedom #Liberty #LetsGoBrandon
#BrandonAdministrationVsFreedom #LetsGoBrandon #liberty #freedom #saveourchildren #savethechildren #constitutionalrights #godgivenrights #humanrights #civilrights #MyBodyMyProperty #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #WeWillNotComply
Disgusting, sad, and sickening. #EnoughIsEnough #SaveOurChildren Hello 👋 parents! children are not lab rats for big pharma to take in more 💰billions on an EXPERIMENTAL JAB But we do know that 18 months after the onset of this terrible “outbreak” that 99.9% of us recover from, and children at least at risk! How about our inate GOD GIVEN immune system? Studies have shown that #NaturalImmunity #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #CivilRights #GodGivenRights #CrimesAgainstHumanity
#crimesagainsthumanity #godgivenrights #civilrights #HealthFreedom #NoMandates #naturalimmunity #saveourchildren #enoughisenough
#SaveOurChildren #NoMandates on experimental #CovidJabs #EnoughIsEnough
#WeWillNotComply #Freedom #Liberty #HumanRights #CivilRights #ConstitutionalRights #IndividualRights #GodGivenRights #RightToLife There are effective medicines and treatment protocols out there, that’s why all of the illegal #censorship about them. Do they really care that people get better? #StopTheClotShot #HealthFreedom and what about a thing called #InformedConsent ? Where is it?
#InformedConsent #HealthFreedom #StopTheClotShot #Censorship #righttolife #godgivenrights #individualrights #constitutionalrights #civilrights #humanrights #liberty #freedom #WeWillNotComply #enoughisenough #covidjabs #NoMandates #saveourchildren
#NoMandates #HealthChoice #HealthFreedom #Freedom #Liberty #MedicalTryanny #StopTheMadness #EnoughIsEnough #StopTheShot #WeThePeople #MyBodyMyChoice #HumanRights #CivilRights #ConstitutionalRights #BodyAutonomy #Plandemic #PersonalFreedom #IndividualLiberty #GodGivenRights
#WarOnAmerica #AuditTheVote #ElectionIntegrity
#electionintegrity #auditthevote #WarOnAmerica #godgivenrights #individualliberty #PersonalFreedom #Plandemic #BodyAutonomy #constitutionalrights #civilrights #humanrights #mybodymychoice #wethepeople #StopTheShot #enoughisenough #StopTheMadness #MedicalTryanny #liberty #freedom #HealthFreedom #HealthChoice #NoMandates
Some hopeful news out of the UK....#NoMandates #NoLockdowns #NoVaccinePassports Hey peep leaders of the world 🌎, say no to Satanic devil 👿 pressure setting it up for the responsibility to be on your hands & err on the side of #HealthFreedom #HealthChoice #MedicalChoice #Freedom #Liberty #IndividualFreedom for the peeps against #MedicalTyranny #CovidCommunism Global reset BS. #EnoughIsEnough #HumanRights #GodGivenRights #IndividualRights #CivilRights
#civilrights #individualrights #godgivenrights #humanrights #enoughisenough #CovidCommunism #medicaltyranny #IndividualFreedom #liberty #freedom #MedicalChoice #HealthChoice #HealthFreedom #NoVaccinePassports #NoLockdowns #NoMandates
#MedicalFreedom #HealthFreedom #Freedom #Liberty #NoMandates #EnoughIsEnough END #MedicalTyranny #CovidCommunsim #WeThePeople SUPPORT #HumanRights #CivilRights #GodGivenRights #ImNotaMedicalExperiment #MyBodyMyChoice #HealthChoice Experimental shots cannot be a #Mandate by anyone! #Pfizer IS NOT FDA APPROVED! It was granted EUA extension only! No of the ones under Emergency use are approved in the US! #StopTheShot #SaveOurChildren
#saveourchildren #StopTheShot #Pfizer #mandate #HealthChoice #mybodymychoice #ImNotaMedicalExperiment #godgivenrights #civilrights #humanrights #wethepeople #CovidCommunsim #medicaltyranny #enoughisenough #NoMandates #liberty #freedom #HealthFreedom #medicalfreedom