Hey everyone! I'm Gregory and I'm a #VideoCreator on #tiktok and #youtube creating #entertainment and #inspirational content for those suffering from #addiction and #trauma. I make content for those people who need #help #navigatingchallenges in the #twelvesteps of #aa or #na.
I am also a #redeemed son of God with a #purpose for my #life and a #song of #praise in my soul. #godisgood and I #lovejesus.
#lovejesus #godisgood #praise #song #life #purpose #redeemed #na #aa #twelvesteps #navigatingchallenges #help #trauma #addiction #inspirational #entertainment #youtube #tiktok #videocreator
@sebdunnett we argue in bad faith for free over here! #GlobalWarmingHoax #GodIsGood #FuckScience #HashTagsAreInBadFaith
#globalwarminghoax #godisgood #fuckscience #hashtagsareinbadfaith
so, on my way to work today, my bike's tire blew out as i was riding down a steep hill. i called my mom to tell her the bad news, and after i hung up, an off-duty cop drove up and asked me what was wrong. i told him my bike got a flat, and he drove me home to drop off my bike and took me to work, and REFUSED payment.
Coincidence is just a code word for "God is looking out for you".
#coolexperience #coolstory #godisgood
#coolexperience #coolstory #godisgood
During surgery a doctor punctured Curtis and Deann Lewis’s 5-year-old daughter's heart. After fifteen minutes of CPR, Natalie was left with a global brain injury from which doctors said she’d never recover.
Curtis and Deann Lewis join Yvette Hampton to talk about God’s faithfulness through this tragedy and share the miracles he’s done since in the life of their daughter.
Pray for Natalie #podcast #family #Godisgood
As you stand believing God for what's to come don't forget to take a moment to acknowledge all that has already come to pass. Take a moment to marvel at His faithfulness. Saturate yourself in His outpouring of goodness. Bask in His abundance. He has answered, have you beheld?
Alright, now let's go. Onward and upwards to bigger and better things.
#anothenartistry #godisgood #beencouraged
I am really learning what James meant when wrote facing trials of many kinds. After Finger vs. Guillotine, I found out I have bronchitis. I am really hoping this is boost my perseverance like a shot of nitro to the parietal cortex! #Thankful #Faith #GodisGood #Yeshua
#thankful #faith #godisgood #yeshua
Peaceful Meadow https://faithbubbles.wordpress.com/2023/04/02/peaceful-meadow/ #Animated, #Cows, #Faith, #GodIsGood, #Lighthearted, #Pasture, #Sheep, #Video
#Video #sheep #pasture #lighthearted #godisgood #faith #cows #animated
Blessings https://faithbubbles.wordpress.com/2023/04/02/blessings/ #Blessed, #Blessings, #Christian, #Encouraging, #GodIsGood, #GodProvides, #Happy, #Uplifting
#uplifting #happy #godprovides #godisgood #encouraging #christian #blessings #blessed
I mean, it's in the Bible. 🤷 #bible #biblestudy #biblestudies #GodisLove #GodIsGood #itsinthebible
#bible #biblestudy #biblestudies #godislove #godisgood #itsinthebible
American Christian Missionary who was held hostage in Niger has been released
Hey there, brothers and sisters in Christ! We have some goo
#Africa #InternationalNews #Missions #News #Niger #Uncategorized ##ChristianAidWorker ##ChristianHumanitarian ##christp2p ##Faith ##GodIsGood ##Hope ##JefferyWoodke ##KidnappedInNiger ##Love ##Miracle ##Niger ##PrayerWorks ##Released ##Thankful ##USMissionary #US
#christp2p #uncategorized #internationalnews #news #africa #missions #niger #christianaidworker #christianhumanitarian #faith #godisgood #hope #jefferywoodke #kidnappedinniger #love #miracle #prayerworks #released #thankful #usmissionary #us
When I see people post #GodIsGood in FB, etc. I find it insulting.
What, you mean this god has deemed your little #FirstWorldProblem worthy of solving, all the while ignoring everything from the Holocaust to children's cancer to the horrors of war? Really?? Bitch, please... 😑
I conclude there either is no single god who "loves everyone," or if there is, it's not one worthy of my worship.
#agnostic #athiest
#godisgood #firstworldproblem #agnostic #athiest
@Gjallarhornet #GodIsGood smh.
“And thus I clothe my naked villainy
With odd old ends stol'n out of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.”
Did you know there was a Black (Negro) National Anthem? If yes, raise your hand if you know the lyrics. If not, listen to this rendition.
#bible #church #husbandandwife #jesussaves #jesuschrist #scripture #christian #amen #worship #godisgood #blessed #hope #truth #gospel #inspiration #holyspirit #lord #christianity #jesus #prayer #bibleverse #grace #god #pray #faith #praise #christ #peace #love #lbxfitness
#lbxfitness #love #peace #christ #praise #faith #pray #god #grace #bibleverse #prayer #jesus #christianity #lord #holyspirit #inspiration #gospel #truth #hope #blessed #godisgood #worship #amen #christian #scripture #jesuschrist #jesussaves #husbandandwife #church #bible
Do you agree or disagree with this definition?
#bible #church #husbandandwife #jesussaves #jesuschrist #scripture #christian #amen #worship #godisgood #blessed #hope #truth #gospel #inspiration #holyspirit #lord #christianity #jesus #prayer #bibleverse #grace #god #pray #faith #praise #christ #peace #love #lbxfitness
#lbxfitness #love #peace #christ #praise #faith #pray #god #grace #bibleverse #prayer #jesus #christianity #lord #holyspirit #inspiration #gospel #truth #hope #blessed #godisgood #worship #amen #christian #scripture #jesuschrist #jesussaves #husbandandwife #church #bible
Hope everyone is having a blessed Lord's Day! Mine started when I got a text this morning from our pastor, letting me know that he has bronchitis and lost his voice overnight. Fortunately, I had a New Year's message from 2020 (which I suspected no one would have remembered anyway, given it was before pandemic, lockdown, insurrection, etc...) that I was able to base today's message on!
#thegreatphysician #healer #faithhealer #prayerworks #GiveItToGod #prayerwarrior #askandyoushallreceive #exvangelical #prayerrequest #prayerchangesthings #myhopeisinyouLord #Godisgood #Godisgoodallthetime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #thepowerofprayer #deconstructed #deconstruction #losingmyreligion #faithcanmovemountains #science #christianity #religion #atheism #livingonaprayer #magic #medicine #JustBelieve #faithlikeamustardseed #DearGod #childlikefaith
#thegreatphysician #healer #faithhealer #prayerworks #giveittogod #prayerwarrior #askandyoushallreceive #exvangelical #prayerrequest #prayerchangesthings #myhopeisinyoulord #godisgood #godisgoodallthetime #allthetimegodisgood #ThePowerOfPrayer #deconstructed #deconstruction #LosingMyReligion #faithcanmovemountains #science #christianity #religion #atheism #livingonaprayer #magic #medicine #justbelieve #faithlikeamustardseed #DearGod #childlikefaith
#thegreatphysician #healer #faithhealer #prayerworks #GiveItToGod #prayerwarrior #askandyoushallreceive #exvangelical #prayerrequest #prayerchangesthings #myhopeisinyouLord #Godisgood #Godisgoodallthetime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #thepowerofprayer #deconstructed #deconstruction #losingmyreligion #faithcanmovemountains #science #christianity #religion #atheism #livingonaprayer #magic #medicine #JustBelieve #faithlikeamustardseed #DearGod #childlikefaith
#thegreatphysician #healer #faithhealer #prayerworks #giveittogod #prayerwarrior #askandyoushallreceive #exvangelical #prayerrequest #prayerchangesthings #myhopeisinyoulord #godisgood #godisgoodallthetime #allthetimegodisgood #ThePowerOfPrayer #deconstructed #deconstruction #LosingMyReligion #faithcanmovemountains #science #christianity #religion #atheism #livingonaprayer #magic #medicine #justbelieve #faithlikeamustardseed #DearGod #childlikefaith
#thegreatphysician #healer #faithhealer #prayerworks #GiveItToGod #prayerwarrior #askandyoushallreceive #exvangelical #prayerrequest #prayerchangesthings #myhopeisinyouLord #Godisgood #Godisgoodallthetime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #thepowerofprayer #deconstructed #deconstruction #losingmyreligion #faithcanmovemountains #science #christianity #religion #atheism #livingonaprayer #magic #medicine #JustBelieve #faithlikeamustardseed #DearGod #childlikefaith
#thegreatphysician #healer #faithhealer #prayerworks #giveittogod #prayerwarrior #askandyoushallreceive #exvangelical #prayerrequest #prayerchangesthings #myhopeisinyoulord #godisgood #godisgoodallthetime #allthetimegodisgood #ThePowerOfPrayer #deconstructed #deconstruction #LosingMyReligion #faithcanmovemountains #science #christianity #religion #atheism #livingonaprayer #magic #medicine #justbelieve #faithlikeamustardseed #DearGod #childlikefaith
#thegreatphysician #healer #faithhealer #prayerworks #GiveItToGod #prayerwarrior #askandyoushallreceive #exvangelical #prayerrequest #prayerchangesthings #myhopeisinyouLord #Godisgood #Godisgoodallthetime #AllTheTimeGodIsGood #thepowerofprayer #deconstructed #deconstruction #losingmyreligion #faithcanmovemountains #science #christianity #religion #atheism #livingonaprayer #magic #medicine #JustBelieve #faithlikeamustardseed #DearGod #childlikefaith
#thegreatphysician #healer #faithhealer #prayerworks #giveittogod #prayerwarrior #askandyoushallreceive #exvangelical #prayerrequest #prayerchangesthings #myhopeisinyoulord #godisgood #godisgoodallthetime #allthetimegodisgood #ThePowerOfPrayer #deconstructed #deconstruction #LosingMyReligion #faithcanmovemountains #science #christianity #religion #atheism #livingonaprayer #magic #medicine #justbelieve #faithlikeamustardseed #DearGod #childlikefaith