We made it to the (long) weekend Masto! 🍋 🥃 👑 #VodkaLLB #GodSaveTheKing #BecauseNothingWillSaveTheGovernorGeneral
#vodkallb #godsavetheking #becausenothingwillsavethegovernorgeneral
PSA: I will not rest until I have made the word "numpty" a thing in America. #GodSaveTheKing
Most Brits are pro-monarchy. The media is overwhelmingly pro-monarchy. All major institutions are pro-monarchy, both officially and culturally. Yet it isn't enough for people like L.A. They get outraged, and strangely insecure, about even the smallest dissent. Utterly bizarre.
#coronation #coronation2023 #charlesIII #republicanism #notmyking #royalists #monarchy #britishmonarchy #godsavetheking #kingcharles #protest #Republican #30pLee #Britishmonarchy #brits
#brits #30pLee #republican #protest #KingCharles #godsavetheking #BritishMonarchy #monarchy #royalists #notmyking #republicanism #CharlesIII #coronation2023 #Coronation
#GodSaveTheKing @Rhubarbarian
Well, I think that I'm well Coronationed out. Need a lie down. #godsavetheking
Notre gouvernement parle de la retraite à 64 ans.
Les anglais commencent une carrière à 74.
Espérons que ça ne donne pas d'idées à Emmanuel Macron🙃
#GodSaveTheKing #Coronation https://nitter.net/i/web/status/1654821830417346561
Sipping coffee, watching the coronation, and hoping to get in a walk before heading to the theatre for a matinee and an evening performance. #SaturdaySelfie #WeekendWarrior #LCTRhinoceros #BackstageCrew #SaturdayVibes #Coffee #Caffeine #GodSaveTheKing
#saturdayselfie #weekendwarrior #lctrhinoceros #backstagecrew #saturdayvibes #coffee #caffeine #godsavetheking
I swear you don't know what you are talking about.
Notre gouvernement parle de la retraite à 64 ans.
Les anglais commencent une carrière à 74.
Espérons que ça ne donne pas d'idées à Emmanuel Macron.
Olena Zelenska arrived at the coronation of Charles III with Denys Shmygal. #GodSaveTheKing
RT @ZelenskaUA
The coronation of Their Majesties King Charles the III and Queen Camilla @RoyalFamily is certainly a historic event. It is a great honor for me to be here and represent Ukraine, especially now. Wish you many years of reign! 🇬🇧
Nonostante io sia tutt’altro che appassionato alle vicende della famiglia reale, il momento dell’incoronazione di #KingCharles non riesce a lasciarti indifferente
Ps qualcuno si è accorto che c’era anche #camilla alla cerimonia?
#KingCharles #godsavetheking #camilla
#godsavetheking #KingCharles #CharlesIII #Coronation
A lot of graffiti on that throne!
It is nice to see that the weather has turn out to be properly British for the King’s Coronation.
#RoyalFamily #Coronation #greatbritain #UnitedKingdom #godsavetheking
#RoyalFamily #Coronation #greatbritain #UnitedKingdom #godsavetheking
Very important #Coronation thought: how are the Sex Pistols going to rework God Save the Queen into Good Save the King? Rhyming has to be hard.
"God save the king… fascist kinda thing…"
#Coronation #godsavetheking #godsavethequeen #sexpistols