Two voices will call out in a silence that all will hear.
And we reflect back to God's children the light we found...
Not to me.
The black-pillers are out in droves, and working 24/7 to discount the veracity of this film. They're striving to create doubt in the minds of good people.
That is the devil's work.
He's the god of chaos, confusion, and separation.
My discernment tells me this movie is spot on.
They want us asleep.
--Jim Caviezel @therealjimcaviezel
Tune in TONIGHT for my interview with @DevinNunes as we talk about @SoundofFreedomMovie
#2MillionFor2Million #savethechildren #GodsChildrenAreNotForSale
#2millionfor2million #savethechildren #godschildrenarenotforsale