In the past two weeks I have #reviews about things that are
hilarious: #Deadloch
courageous: #TheGoodMothers
hopeful: #TheQuietGirl
healing: #RareObjects
historic: #NellyandNadine
horrifying: #TheHorrorOfDeloresRoach
social commentary: #TheValet
silly: #80ForBrady
relevant: #Classof09
suspenseful: #GodsCrookedLines
July is the 10 year anniversary of my blog at Yay me!
#reviews #deadloch #thegoodmothers #thequietgirl #rareobjects #nellyAndNadine #thehorrorofdeloresroach #thevalet #80forbrady #classof09 #godscrookedlines
Like to keep your #SpanishLanguage skills polished with an interesting #Movie? Well, #GodsCrookedLines should be just the ticket. Here's a #Review to help you decide.
#spanishlanguage #movie #godscrookedlines #review
#GodsCrookedLines is a #SpanishLanguage psychological suspense #Movie about a woman in a mental hospital. It stars Bárbara Lennie. Here's my #Review
#godscrookedlines #spanishlanguage #movie #review
I rated Los renglones torcidos de Dios (2022) 7/10 #IMDb
Un poco difícil de entender, con mucha intriga y quedas pensado que fue real. Actuación, vestuario y locaciones fenomenales.
Not an easy film to follow, acting is good, as well as the locations and costumes. It's puzzling at times with an open ending.
#imdb #godscrookedlines #netflix
God's Crooked Lines, adaptation of 1979 novel of the same name by Torcuato Luca de Tena, a good psychological thriller that holds viewers attention till the end and a final plot twist. #Netflix #GodsCrookedLines
God's Crooked Lines, adaptation of 1979 novel of the same name by Torcuato Luca de Tena, a good psychological thriller that holds viewers attention till the end and a final plot twist. #Netflix #GodsCrookedLines