New Mexico Rally being held in downtown Albuquerque @CivicPlaza Tuesday 9/12 from 10am-6pm. Please come proudley supporting your 2A Rights, Flags, Signs and all the Liberty you can fit on your Natural Person. We will be praying, singing, speakers, signatures for the referendums and more. #GodIsGood #GodsLaw #LawOfTheLand #WeThePeople #NewMexiCANs
#GodisGood #godslaw #LawOfTheLand #wethepeople #NewMexiCANs
Here is another State Constitution where you have to be a Christian to hold public office. In fact, each state had similar writing.
Here's the Constitution of Pennsylvania in 1776, Section 10. And each member of the House of Representatives, before he takes his seat, shall make and subscribe the following declaration, I do believe in one God, the Creator and Governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked, and I do acknowledge the scripture of the Old and New Testament to be given by divine inspiration.
#biblicallaw #godslaw #colonialamerica
#colonialamerica #godslaw #biblicallaw
✅ 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 🇻🇪 Πιστή υπόσχεση: Keep and fulfill all the commandments, decrees and statutes of Jehovah our Lord.
Nehemiah 10: 29b. 📖
#GodsLaw ✝️
Publisher –Graduate 🎓
Carlos Armando Sánchez López ✍️
✅ 🇮🇱 🇺🇸 🇻🇪 Πιστή υπόσχεση: Keep and fulfill all the commandments, decrees and statutes of Jehovah our Lord.
Nehemiah 10: 29b. 📖
#GodsLaw ✝️
Publisher –Graduate 🎓
Carlos Armando Sánchez López ✍️
God's Law vs Constitution of the US, part 3
There is no justice outside of God's justice – there is only in-justice.
There is no law outside of God's law – there is only lawlessness.
Most Christian Patriots think that the US Constitution is perfect, that is what we should follow and this they only quote. Listen to how the US Constitution differs from God's Laws, Statues and Judgements. #usconstitution #godslaw