@bblfish @josd @semwebpro @hochstenbach
One thing I found out early on is how critical it is to get #AlphaGraphs (#BooleanFunctions, #PropositionalCalculus, #ZerothOrderLogic) down tight. If you do that it changes how you view #FOL (#PredicateCalculus, #QuantificationalLogic). That tends to rub people who view FOL as #GOL (#GodsOwnLogic) the wrong way so you have watch out for that if you go down this road.
Here's a primer on \(\alpha\) #LogicalGraphs as I see them —
• https://oeis.org/w/index.php?title=Logical_Graphs&stable=0&redirect=no
#LogicalGraphs #godsownlogic #gol #quantificationallogic #predicatecalculus #fol #zerothorderlogic #PropositionalCalculus #BooleanFunctions #alphagraphs