Tonight at 7 est we shall be continuing in #Eorzea as we look to helping one of the three #Lalafells who aren’t evil; TATARU! #GodsRevelLandsTremble #FFXIV #FinalFantasyXIV #Gaming #MMORPG #Streamers #TwitchStreamers
#eorzea #lalafells #godsrevellandstremble #ffxiv #finalfantasyxiv #gaming #mmorpg #streamers #twitchstreamers
I'ma have to re-watch these cutscenes with GShade because there's some damn good Screenshot moments 👀
#FFXIV #FFXIVScreenshots #TatarusGrandEndevour #Hrothgar #GodsRevelLandsTremble
#ffxiv #FFXIVScreenshots #tatarusgrandendevour #hrothgar #godsrevellandstremble
#FinalFantasyXIV #GodsRevelLandsTremble patch! We’re pivoting from #GuildWars2 to revisit #Eorzea for the new patch. There will be spoilers as I do #MSQ. #FinalFantasy #MMORPG #MyOtherRideIsHaurchefant #Gaming #TwitchStreamer #Streamer #SmallStreamerCommunity
#finalfantasyxiv #godsrevellandstremble #guildwars2 #eorzea #msq #finalfantasy #mmorpg #myotherrideishaurchefant #gaming #twitchstreamer #streamer #smallstreamercommunity
So while I’ve been streaming #GuildWars2, #FFXIV is my home game. With the new #GodsRevelLandsTremble patch, I will be #streaming #XIV! Come by at 7pm EST at! #XIV #Gaming #MMORPG #Twitch #smallstreamers #twitchstreamer #rdmain
#guildwars2 #ffxiv #godsrevellandstremble #streaming #xiv #gaming #mmorpg #twitch #smallstreamers #twitchstreamer #rdmain