watching the new #AntMan #Quantumania movie and there's this character that reminds me of #mothra from the movie we watched earlier today #GodzillaTokyoSOS (which I incorrectly kept tagging as #TokyoSoS #facepalm)
today is a #monsterdon and #marvel cross-over in more than one way!! :)
#antman #quantumania #mothra #godzillatokyosos #TokyoSoS #facepalm #Monsterdon #marvel
watching the new #AntMan movie and there's this character in #Quantumania that reminds me of #mothra from the movie we watched earlier today #GodzillaTokyoSOS (which I incorrectly kept tagging as #TokyoSoS #facepalm)
#antman #quantumania #mothra #godzillatokyosos #TokyoSoS #facepalm
Uh oh .... DNA Tank!
I posted this midweek a little bit ago but here's one of the Transformers anime episodes this dub crew did, one that was meme fodder for the fandom for like a decade because I had it on a bootleg VHS tape:
#Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
Thanks again everyone! That was a bit of a ride. #Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
So the moral of the story is "If you find a giant skeleton of a radioactive prehistoric monster: DON'T make a giant mega-weapon out of it?" Well there go my plans for next weekend. #Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
@Zerofactorial This movie's gonna be like, "Oh yeah, she's a totally straight military mecha pilot woman who wears tank tops and cargo pants." #Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
" has to be lived with the time nature allows"
"Wait, is that from Blade Runner?"
@Zerofactorial The girl who is definitely a lesbian. #Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
Ejector seat catch!
And now it is time for the kaiju to fuck off into the sea. #Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
@bunnyhero "I'll go down with Mecha Godzilla" emm Hay. #Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
"human beings should recognize their mistakes and correct them. it's the only way they can redeem themselves." There's a first time for everything. #Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
I'm giving blanket Favorites and Boosts to everyone. Look for a certificate in a future post.
They've awakened the bones!
The Prime Minster is like, "Hey, now we could get a SECOND set of Godzilla bones!" #Monsterdon #GodzillaTokyoSOS
Cocoon Godzilla is gonna hatch into ..........