Anyone forming a team for this OSSF funded competition (2 yr $20M in prizes)?
Teams will need #NLP, #CyberSecurity, #StaticAnalysis and #Compiler expertise. Maybe #OpenSource project and community management experience would help too. This will likely hinge on #GOFAI algorithms like A* search, and graph querying (#AST walking). If you've written a linter you probably have the right stuff.
#ast #gofai #OpenSource #compiler #staticanalysis #CyberSecurity #nlp
Help from older folk please: In the earlier days of artificial intelligence (GOFAI) - say, the 1980s - there was an aphorism to the effect that once you had found the right data representation for your problem you had pretty much solved your problem (i.e. choice of representation dominates choice of algorithm).
I would greatly appreciate (some approximation to) the actual text of the aphorism and, if possible, some citation to its origin.
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #GOFAI #GoodOldFashionedAI #aphorisms #sayings #CogSci #CognitiveScience #CompCogSci #ComputationalCognitiveScience
#ai #artificialintelligence #gofai #goodoldfashionedai #aphorisms #sayings #cogsci #cognitivescience #compcogsci #computationalcognitivescience
@MKSinSA Such #human / #AI interactions need be no more sophisticated than, say, the Weizenbaum’s program #ELIZA, an automated ‘psychiatrist’ (human/AI interaction via a computer screen & keyboard) dating back to the 1960s. #GOFAI #TuringTest #Cogsci Not trying denigrate these projects. But they can be made to sound unnecessarily alarming.
#cogsci #turingtest #gofai #eliza #AI #human