RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
277 followers · 1289 posts · Server
RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
268 followers · 1269 posts · Server

Has this or something similar ever happened to you?

You are at work. You are trying to drop the piece of avocado from your spoon into the salad. It sticks. You shake the spoon. It doesn't come off. You shake harder. It doesn't come off. Shake even harder...

And it moves slightly.

You look up and think about the avocado hitting the ceiling, chuckle, and shake the spoon really hard.

You quickly walk away, hoping nobody notices the green bit 15 feet above splattered on the acoustic ceiling.

#goforthejoke #humor #funny

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
228 followers · 1020 posts · Server

@cstross Ah, the nacelles being bee hives explains a lot when you think about it. Like the big albatrosses with their legs tied together being used to pull old timey prop planes. When they go too fast, it's hard to discern. Just like you've got to watch carefully to see the clouds bump together to cause lightning (they're really shy).


Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
221 followers · 996 posts · Server

From the Coming Labor file. A company is planning to use to for the Chinese market. Not only will it not need pay experienced human , it will adhere to the communist party line and even include subliminal . Best of all, it'll never grow a conscience and blow the whistle on bureaucratic corruption. Win-win! Invest now!

Not trying to through

#apocalypse #chatgpt #write #fiction #writers #propaganda #boostingissharing #writingcommunity #ai #automation #labor #laborapocalypse #snark #goforthejoke #darkhumor #humor #sarcasm

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
178 followers · 700 posts · Server

@kagan @rednikki Thank you. I can't help but inject humor into my writing, so I was being funny about the ellipsis, sorry. But I do appreciate the full analysis as it is edifying and informative.

As an aside. I work to make my prose modern, using generational vernacular and sentence structure. I. Really. Do. I've stopped putting two spaces after sentences, even. This is another data point in my quest. Thank you

#gratitude #writingcommunity #goforthejoke

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
128 followers · 398 posts · Server

@TeaWhileWriting I now have this interesting picture stuck in my head, so, sorry, but I have to ask. I know the Greeks didn't wear much, but is "doesn't wear anything" correct?

#goforthejoke #writing #writer #GreekGods #mythology

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
125 followers · 379 posts · Server

wrote today: Over the past few weeks, U.S. military aircraft have shot down four "objects" over North America, one of which U.S. officials claim was a Chinese surveillance balloon. This is unusual but not a cause for panic.

To which, I answer: Aww! But panicking is so fun!"

#theatlantic #humannature #writing #goforthejoke #boostingissharing

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
120 followers · 349 posts · Server

Gah! The hardest part of and is the searching for and replacing words like "just" and "almost." My eyes glaze over, I start sweeping the floor, and posting on Mastodon...

to the max!


#revision #writing #goforthejoke #procrastination #weaselwords #hedgewords

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
121 followers · 344 posts · Server

@XanIndigo Them's tasty eating. Just saying.



Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
94 followers · 258 posts · Server

@MaureenGriswold A cat burglar? Or did he cause some sort of cat-tastrophe? Are they taking him in because the cat has his tongue and he won't speak? Sorry about the joke. Me ow!

and -ishment

#comedy #humor #boostingissharing #goforthejoke #crime #pun

Last updated 2 years ago

RS, Author, Novelist · @sfwrtr
92 followers · 247 posts · Server

@wendyparciak @PhilSpeculates @benjaminallocco @mythopoetica @charles_perkins @chuckwendig @Nichelle @Ink_Soul @RayNewman @Rayne_Hall_Author @GMLoggins @Firlefanz @nlowell @AlinaLeonova @strangeseawolf @threedudesdad @JosephRhea @maia @bjornlarssen @grahamefleming @KeithWDickinson @haikushack @kazarnowicz @JustineMc

Thank you! I always go for the joke. Humor is important even in serious writing, and it makes readers notice and think about the message. It doesn't hurt that it can be entertaining... 😇​

#writing #humor #goforthejoke

Last updated 2 years ago

RS · @sfwrtr
20 followers · 96 posts · Server

@lowqualityfacts This post is how to . Well played.

(sort of)

#goforthejoke #americanhorrorstory

Last updated 2 years ago

RS · @sfwrtr
14 followers · 72 posts · Server

It depends on whether they enchanted their audience.

Sorry, I always .


Last updated 2 years ago

RS · @sfwrtr
14 followers · 70 posts · Server

Since only unicorns emit rainbows from bodily orifices, this is a real life unicorn!

#unicorn #rainbow #goforthejoke

Last updated 2 years ago

RS · @sfwrtr
8 followers · 42 posts · Server

Here's some : Go for the joke. Seriously. No mater the level of drama or danger, all stories and their readers deserve relief. Go for it!

I don't mean Dad jokes, or stand-up, unless you're writing The Marvelous Mrs. Mazel. It can be subtle or outrageous. It ought be on point and move the story forward, not gratuitous. Character's thoughts, spoken , ribbing—they all work. A character (esp. if the reader is privy to their thoughts) is always an option. There are plenty of ways appropriate for your to ratchet up the .

I you to write a scene going for the joke, and post it with . Here is mine:

My bodyguard spun a dining chair around to sit beside me. "If you were my daughter, I would tell you it's time to pack up your toys and go home."

"How old is your daughter?"

"Seven. That's not the point! Everyone in the syndicate knows that Felipe's lieutenant is trouble."

"Are you worried he might try to seduce me? Be worried for him!"

#writingadvice #comedic #malapropisms #smartass #storytelling #comedy #challenge #goforthejoke

Last updated 2 years ago