Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Joe Alwyn’s Uncharacteristic Photo Dump Has Us Asking: Is He OK? #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #larocheposay #taylorswift #robinhood #joealwyn #folklore #eggalwyn #tumblr #gogh #iver
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #larocheposay #taylorswift #robinhood #joealwyn #folklore #eggalwyn #tumblr #gogh #iver
I went to Van Gogh’s museum in Singapore.
But the exhibition and music was very mysterious and scaring.
I was likely to become psycho, like Gogh.
#museum #gogh #Picture #photo #photograghy #photographer
#photographer #photograghy #photo #picture #gogh #museum
« Statt zu versuchen, genau das wiederzugeben, was ich vor Augen habe, bediene ich mich der Farbe viel willkuerlicher, um mich kraftvoll auszudruecken. »
Bon vendredi à toutes et à tous. 🙋♂️
July 29, 1890, Dutch painter Vincent van #Gogh dies 2 days after shooting himself at 37 - How the #Geology of Southern France inspired his art 🖌
Back in my days it was all about the record prize of the Van #Gogh. You can imagine how happy I am of the recognition Kandinsky's work is given at the moment. Just imagine what people thought of this #painting in the time it was made. #Kandinsky is not only a hero for the #art world but also for the #Graphic world.
#gogh #painting #kandinsky #art #graphic
Van Gogh - Tra il grano e il cielo/ Un `racconto per immagini` dedicato al pittore #gogh #grano #cielo/ #racconto #immagini #dedicato #pittore #25agosto
#25agosto #pittore #dedicato #immagini #racconto #cielo #grano #gogh
Van Gogh, com è morto/ Perché mangiava il giallo e perché si è tagliato l`orecchio? #gogh #morto/ #perché #mangiava #giallo #tagliato #lorecchio #25agosto
#25agosto #lorecchio #tagliato #giallo #mangiava #Perché #morto #gogh
Napoli: successo per le mostre Andy Warhol e Van Gogh #napoli #successo #mostre #andy #warhol #gogh #21luglio
#21luglio #gogh #warhol #andy #mostre #successo #napoli
L`autoritratto di Van Gogh trovato dietro un altro dipinto. Il museo di Edimburgo: «Siamo sotto shock» - Open #lautoritratto #gogh #trovato #dipinto #museo #edimburgo #«siamo #shock» #open #14luglio
#14luglio #open #shock #Edimburgo #museo #dipinto #trovato #gogh #lautoritratto
Why Chinese artist Zhang Daqian is outselling Van Gogh - CNN Style #chinese #artist #zhang #daqian #outselling #gogh #style #14giugno
#14giugno #style #gogh #outselling #daqian #zhang #artist #chinese
Rutte, Ollongren & Dicky Schoof willen die #sleepwet #WIV invoeren (terrorisme-bla-bla) maar voor & tijdens de moord op Pim Fortuyn & Theo van #Gogh werden de telefoongesprekken gewist, deed de apparatuur het niet & verdwenen de tapes.
#sleepwet #wiv #gogh #alshethunuitkomt