Wenn Sahra Wagenknecht ihre eigenen Partei gründet, ist das vielleicht schädlicher für die AfD als jede Petition.
Also, #GOGIRL!
@mostalive That young person is going to go places! The signs are already there. 😄 #GoGirl #GoodInstincts #DadJokes
#gogirl #goodinstincts #dadjokes
Trying out my Michelle Obama ( @michelleobama )" Girl You Betta!!" Point
This is a friendly reminder to all my ladies, that this year will be different than last year. You're in your season of making wise, consistent, and prosperous moves. Whatever He told you and/or showed you is yours. The path has been cleared so Girl you Betta Move!
#gogirl #jordanyear #girlyoubetterwork #proudofyou #2023 #letsgo #positivevibes #positivity #mentalhealth #embraceequity #iwd #fyp #common #iamdaniparks
#iamdaniparks #common #fyp #iwd #embraceequity #mentalhealth #positivity #positivevibes #letsgo #proudofyou #girlyoubetterwork #jordanyear #gogirl
I hope I am this fit and active when I am in my 80s
BBC chairman criticises Emily Maitlis’ Newsnight comments on Dominic Cummings https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/dec/03/bbc-chairman-criticises-emily-maitlis-newsnight-comments-on-dominic-cummings?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other #gogirl #girlpower 🥳