The Netflix Power Rangers special was a lovely tribute to Thuy Trang.
I'm a #90skid I watched and lived the OG Power Rangers team. Jason (Austin St John) was literally my first childhood crush. I watched this extended special episode with bated breath. And, I literally mean, it's like watching a longer than normal episode. The bad choreography, the cheesy lines, it all came back. It was GLORIOUS!
And that ending... Oh, Zordon help me, it was a heart puller.
#PowerRangersOnceAndAlways #GoGoPowerRangers #NostalgiaOverdose
#90skid #powerrangersonceandalways #gogopowerrangers #nostalgiaoverdose
Estamos a horas del estreno del especial/película de #PowerRangersAyerHoyYSiempre en #Netflix y aquí les traigo los horarios en que llegará a su país!
#PowerRangersOnceAndAlways #PowerRangers30 #ItsMorphintime #GoGoPowerRangers #NetflixLAT #NetflixES
#powerrangersayerhoyysiempre #netflix #powerrangersonceandalways #powerrangers30 #itsmorphintime #gogopowerrangers #netflixlat #netflixes
Tenemos el primer póster en doble formato y banner promocional del especial 30 Aniversario de #PowerRangers!
#PowerRangersOnceAndAlways #PowerRangers30 #ItsMorphinTime #GoGoPowerRangers
#powerrangers #powerrangersonceandalways #powerrangers30 #itsmorphintime #gogopowerrangers
Ok sooooo… I’m not surprised at how the movie performed, but I actually enjoyed it way more than I expected to. 😂
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #102 by BOOM! Studios is featured on this edition of Parlay Points, the #ODPHpod #comicbook #blog! Check it out! #boomstudios #powerrangers #gogopowerrangers #superheroes #artsandentertainment #entertainment #socialmedia #pop #popculture #power #comics #comicbooks #supportyourlcs #newcomicbookday #podcast #podcasting #podcastlife #podcastshow #607podcasts
photo credit: Boom Studios
#ODPHpod #comicbook #blog #BoomStudios #powerrangers #gogopowerrangers #superheroes #artsandentertainment #entertainment #socialmedia #pop #popculture #power #comics #comicbooks #supportyourlcs #newcomicbookday #podcast #podcasting #podcastlife #podcastshow #607podcasts
Por #JasonDavidFrank muchos cambianos nuestros colores preferidos a verde. #gogopowerrangers
#jasondavidfrank #gogopowerrangers
À chaque fois que je prononce le nom de ce réseau, j'ai l'impression de revenir en enfance #Mastodooooooon #GoGoPowerRangers
#mastodooooooon #gogopowerrangers
Anytime the word MASTODON comes up. My brain goes right to POWER RANGERS... It's Morphin Time
"Dragonzord!" - Tommy (Green Ranger)
"#Mastodon!" - Zack
"Pterodactyl!" - Kimberly
"Triceratops!" - Billy
"Saber-Toothed Tiger!" - Trini
"Tyrannosaurus!" - Jason
#MightyMorphinPowerRangers #PowerRangers #Toot #Fediverse #universeodon #Dinosaurs #GoGoPowerRangers
#Mastodon #mightymorphinpowerrangers #powerrangers #toot #Fediverse #universeodon #dinosaurs #gogopowerrangers
Mastodon is cool. It would be even cooler if we also had pterodactyl, triceratops, sabertooth tiger and tyrannosaurus. #gogopowerrangers
Waiting for the other social media platforms to morph. @Mast