Two names carved
in a heart long ago -
the old oak tree
in the village square
full of memories
#poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #gogyohka
The call
of the fox
the long
Summer night
#poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #gogyohka
in the park the traffic fades
and too...the people,
the world offers solitude -
and I alone with the butterflies,
occupy the vastness.
#poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #gogyohka
The candle flame flickers
and dances on the wall
like something from a dream -
thunder in the distance
birds preening wings on rooftops
#poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #gogyohka
When all the noise is silenced
what pulls your soul
what makes you live -
how easy is it for you to forgive
those who caused you pain
#poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #gogyohka
The wind moves
in mysterious ways
scooping up all in it's path -
The sun amused looks on
from behind a cloud
#poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #gogyohka
das Tor kaum zu sehen -
ein Kind sagt Dornröschen
und nicht einer
dreht sich um.
With petals all a flutter
and yellow skirt of silk
pretty little flower
flirting with the bees -
you make me smile
#poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #gogyohka
fresh mowed lawn and
fresh brewed coffee
making happy sense
of happy scents
#amwriting #nature #observations #tanka #gogyohka #5lines #spring
#amwriting #Nature #observations #tanka #gogyohka #5lines #spring
lohnen sich
für einen zweiten Blick
dieses Raumschiff
zum Beispiel
summer blue sky
blooms in spring pink profusion
whippy winter winds
and then there's us
in our autumn years
#amwriting #nature #observations #tanka #gogyohka #5lines #seasons
#amwriting #Nature #observations #tanka #gogyohka #5lines #seasons
Colorful plastic flags
planted by workers
now decorate
the bicycles
of summer.
#Gogyohka #poem #poetry #SmallPoems #PoetryCommunity #WritingCommunity
#gogyohka #writingcommunity #poetrycommunity #smallpoems #poetry #poem
trickling down these cheeks
as tears ... pools of poetry
salty reservoirs
of wisdom
#amwriting #observations #tanka #gogyohka #5lines #tears #wisdom
#amwriting #observations #tanka #gogyohka #5lines #tears #wisdom
Wrote this 3 years ago today. Seemed appropriate to share it as February comes once more to a close...
what was
no longer will be ... and yet
what can be is late
for its appointment
with time
#amwriting #tanka #gogyohka #5lines #poetry
When men
tidy up garages
the time stands still
and therefore some
do look younger.
Those birds
that live in my tree
sang me a song -
I didn't understand the words
but it was beautiful
#poetrycommunity #Poetry #Poem #gogyohka
Das Relief
wurde gereinigt,
nun helle Gewänder
und manche
lächeln sogar.
Auf dem Markt
ruft ein Händler
"Schöne Tulpen!"
und Krümel für Spatzen
gibt es auch.
some screws
a belt buckle
in a treasure box
finds along hedges
under benches