Dis · @dis
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@fyw321 @geerlingguy My 8 node cluster costs around 55W via POE. It is 3 pi4 8G control+worker nodes, and 5 pi4 4G worker-only nodes (1 is actually 8G.)

Storage is on spinning rust on , but you can do all this on local disks.

It handles a LOT:
- , , , various scrapers
- (another adblocking )
- , Prowlarr, *arr, Deluge
- Home automation helpers ( instances, /#zwave 2mqtt, but not HA itself)
- for builds (deprecated in favor of the x64 cloud lab. Building x64 docker containers on arm is BAD)
- Democratic CSI for iscsi/nfs
- container registry & cache
- recipe manager
- contact manager
- relay to gmail
- console (bootstrapping becomes a chicken and egg problem though, if it goes down wrong)
- server
- and a sidecar
- SSL termination for most of the rest of the network

#iscsi #truenas #promstack #fluxcd #calico #adguard #blocky #dns #jellyfin #ombi #ser2sock #zigbee #argo #goharbor #dockerhub #mealie #monica #smtp #ubiquiti #wireguard #vpn #whoogle #VisualStudioCode #dind

Last updated 2 years ago