I published an article called “Eget: Easily Get and Install Some Apps (featuring installing the latest Hugo)”
#InfiniteInk #CLI #Eget #GoHugo #Hugo #GoLang #IUseThis #Uses #Linux #nix-nux #Productivity #GTD #Tech #Windows #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #windows #tech #gtd #productivity #nix #linux #uses #iusethis #golang #hugo #gohugo #eget #cli #infiniteink
In the hugo researcher theme I'm updating `$max-width` (line 2) but the width doesn't update and I have no idea why https://github.com/ojroques/hugo-researcher/blob/master/assets/sass/researcher.scss
Mastodon is great. So is Hugo.
To make it easier to combine the two, I added a shortcode that makes it easy to embed toots in any Hugo site. But of course I haven't thought of all the possible use cases, so feel free to comment and improve on my suggestion.
J'ai fait pas mal d'améliorations dans mon blog, j'espère qu'elles vous plairont
#blog #hugo #gohugo #duckduckgo #mainroad #impact
#blog #hugo #gohugo #duckduckgo #Mainroad #impact
Did you know we're running our Tech Blog https://blog.zero-iee.com using Hugo, GitHub Actions and GitHub Pages? :github:
The content is composed using Markdown. Hugo (run via GitHub Actions) translates HTML templates and Markdown files to a collection of HTML files. GitHub Pages then displays the resulting HTML files and handles SSL.
All we need to do is write a new article in Markdown syntax and push it to our GitHub repository. HTML generation and publishing are fully automated.
While we could host a CICD pipeline and a web server ourselves, we prefer the current low-effort soultion. 😉
#hugo #gohugo #markdown #website #github #githubActions #gitHubPages #zeroGmbh
#hugo #gohugo #markdown #website #github #githubactions #githubpages #zerogmbh
"This Site" Is Built With a Flake https://www.chrisportela.com/posts/this-site-is-a-flake/
#nix #gohugo #staticwebsite #personalwebsite
Well, now that I know that #Mastodon uses #Hugo / #GoHugo for its documentation website, which in turn means it's just a matter of editing #Markdown files, I might send small pull requests whenever I find something I'm able to fix.
Not a priority, but a possibility.
#mastodon #hugo #gohugo #markdown
Logging and debugging after #GoHugo v0.114.0.
Does anybody have experience with Decap CMS, the former Netlify CMS, to use with Hugo blogs?
I'm looking for a simple solution to creating posts for Hugo, ideally allowing multiple sites, and I'm open to other solutions.
Low cost is great, free is better.
#hugo #gohugo #cms #netlifycms #decapcms #ssg #ssgs
Thanks to the Index theme for GoHugo, I think I finally found the most efficient way to manage my (slowly) growing knowledge base: https://kindex.hugoblanc.com/
I ended up with a versioned and indexed version of it, quick and lightweight 🎉
#gohugo #documentation #sharingiscaring
Basically stopped working on my side project because #gohugo was absolutely driving me nuts.
Spent a couple of days converting it into #11ty and I couldn't be happier. There's still some templates to convert and a lot of content metadata to fix before I make the final switch on production, but the new Git repository looks so much cleaner. It's actually maintainable now!
The only regret I have is not doing this so much earlier, If I did, I would've hard launched the project by now.
Updated "“Edit This Page” With vscode:// URIs (featuring a Hugo partial)" so it now uses hugo.WorkingDir, which is available in the recently released Hugo v0.112.0
#InfiniteInk #GoHugo #Hugo #Tech #URLs #URL #URIScheme #VisualStudioCode #VSCode #VSC #WebDev #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #webdev #VSC #vscode #visualstudiocode #urischeme #url #urls #tech #hugo #gohugo #infiniteink
Soft launched "“Edit This Page” With vscode:// URIs (featuring a Hugo partial)"
#InfiniteInk #GoHugo #Hugo #Tech #VisualStudioCode #VSCode #VSC #WebDev #Byℵ #ByNM
#bynm #byא #webdev #VSC #vscode #visualstudiocode #tech #hugo #gohugo #infiniteink
Für commensales.de habe ich ein #lowtech Blog-Theme entwickelt, das lt. WebsiteCarbonCalculator weniger CO2 ausstößt, als fast alle anderen Websites auf der Welt: https://www.websitecarbon.com/website/commensales-de/
#Lowtech #EthicalWebDev #gohugo #HUGO #CO2 #Klimaschutz #Internet #Webdevelopment
#webdevelopment #internet #klimaschutz #co2 #hugo #gohugo #EthicalWebDev #lowtech
Hugo external links - nofollow or not nofollow - equal to dofollow? Why I no longer use - rel=nofollow - for external links.
🇬🇧 https://tekki-tipps.de/en/external-link-nofollow/
🇩🇪 https://tekki-tipps.de/external-link-nofollow/
THIS is the fucking shit I need at 6 am: https://www.eliostruyf.com/generate-open-graph-preview-image-code-front-matter
#opengraph #gohugoio #gohugo #hugo
@2ndStar wenn es klein und stabil sein soll, bieten sich static site Generatoren an. Ich benutze #gohugo und eines der themes aus https://themes.gohugo.io/. Design kann ich auch nicht und bin beim #relearn Theme gelandet.