🎊 It’s official! 🎊
Top #GoHugoIO contributor Joe Mooring is joining #HugoConf2023 , September 21st PDT, for a live interview discussing how to contribute effectively to #Hugo 🐝
Sign up free: https://hugoconf.io/
🎊 It’s been 10 years since the first public release of #GoHugoIO in July 2013! 🎊
Celebrate this milestone by registering for #HugoConf2023 : https://hugoconf.io/
Check out Hugo creator Steve Francia’s Q&A from last year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwHr8prIDaU
Join us at #HugoConf2023, September 21st PDT, to learn from Vishakha Sawra about how to turn your #GoHugoIO website into a progressive web application to improve user engagement! 🙌
Register to attend here: https://hugoconf.io/
This is HUGE – a #GoHugoIO framework 🐝
Regis Philibert is joining #HugoConf2023, September 21st PDT, to teach us how to setup #HUGE to configure an asset pipeline & handle local environment variables or self hosted fonts! ✨
Register here to learn about HUGE: https://hugoconf.io/
Are you an aspiring small business owner?
Join us at #HugoConf2023, September 21st PDT, to hear from @kendralittle about how you can use #GoHugoIO to efficiently launch a new #smallbusiness 🙌
Sign up here: https://hugoconf.io/
#entrepreneurship #entrepreneurs #webdevelopment
#hugoconf2023 #gohugoio #smallbusiness #entrepreneurship #entrepreneurs #webdevelopment
Learn from Joost Van Der Schee about building #GoHugoIO websites using stackable content blocks, at #HugoConf2023, September 21st PDT! 🧱
Sign up here to attend this #Hugobricks Lighting Talk ⚡: https://hugoconf.io/
#gohugoio #hugoconf2023 #hugobricks
It's official! @johnphamvan is joining #HugoConf2023 to share how OpenLaws use #GoHugoIO to publish 4 million pieces of legal data to make US laws more accessible! 🐝
Register here to learn about generating and hosting millions of pages with #Hugo: https://hugoconf.io/
Join us at #HugoConf2023 to learn how to separate your #GoHugoIO site content & keep it all in sync with Elio Struyf from #frontmattercms 🐝
This will let contributors edit content without fiddling with source code & accidentally breaking it! 🙌
Sign up here: https://hugoconf.io/
#hugoconf2023 #gohugoio #frontmattercms
Only 30 days left until #HugoConf2023, September 21st PDT 🎊
Don’t forget to register to attend this free online conference for everything #GoHugoIO and support the #Hugo community 🐝
Register here: https://hugoconf.io/
#webdev #techconference
#hugoconf2023 #gohugoio #hugo #webdev #techconference
Calling out all #GoHugoIO developers 📣
Don’t forget to register for #HugoConf2023, September 21st PDT, the free online conference for all things #Hugo 🐝: https://hugoconf.io/
A couple of Hugo utilities to help isolate only the files that have changed, placing them in a separate folder:
THIS is the fucking shit I need at 6 am: https://www.eliostruyf.com/generate-open-graph-preview-image-code-front-matter
#opengraph #gohugoio #gohugo #hugo
Krass, bin aktuell dabei meine persönliche Website mit Hugo (gohugo.io) zu basteln. Inkl. Eigenem Aussehen/Layout.
Interessant, wie hier einzelne Dinge organisiert und gestyld werden können. (Und wie schlecht "Dokumentation" sein kann)
I've created a shortcode for #GoHugoIo (a static site generator) that lets me embed Toots on my blog posts!
#gohugoio #mastodon #fediverse #selfhost #blog
Mein #GoHugoIO-Theme (#Blog-Software, Generator für statische Webseiten) bietet eine hübsche #Galerie-Ansicht, für die ich so viele Ideen prokrastiniere. Umgesetzt habe ich bisher nur die Galerie #Scheibenwelten - die ich heute um ein Was-auch-immer ergänzt habe.
#gohugoio #blog #galerie #scheibenwelten
Mein #GoHugoIO-Theme (#Blog-Software, Generator für statische Webseiten) bietet eine hübsche #Galerie-Ansicht, für die ich so viele Ideen prokrastiniere. Umgesetzt habe ich bisher nur die Galerie #Scheibenwelten - die ich heute um ein Was-auch-immer ergänzt habe.
#gohugoio #blog #galerie #scheibenwelten
Super, wenn $USER versucht ein Tool zu benutzen ohne sich damit zu beschäftigen: 'Wo ist bei diesem Hugo (#gohugoio) Adminoberfläche?"