Es gab auch schon radiologische Unfälle, die nichts mit zu tun hatten. Das vielleicht prominenteste Beispiel ist der Unfall von in Brasilien.

#Notfallschutz #Kernkraft #goiana

Last updated 2 years ago

Hardly · @loop
29 followers · 469 posts · Server mastodon.world

We don't have a natural understanding of and how it can spread.

Regarding the lost capsule in australia.

Maybe reading about the accident from Brazil 1989 helps. A scale 5 of 7 incident.


112.800 people needed screening. 249 were heavily contaminated. 49 were secluded. 21 needed intensive care. 4 dead. 500 longterm victims.

And it all started with a changing hands

#radioactivity #caesium #goiana #capsule

Last updated 2 years ago