Thoroughly disappointed in what the #amazon shipping has done to the shipping industry. Previously #UPS would have given me every step and time stamp. Instead I get the shipment label create time and the last scan only. #GoingBackwards
Looking forward to more mass shootings on college campuses. Thanks Governor of West Virginia. #GoingBackwards #massshooting #colleges #nra #guns #GunControl
#goingbackwards #massshooting #colleges #nra #guns #guncontrol
Not me, revising book #3, so that the MC's appearance matches the model I'd like to use as stock photo on the cover.
Like, I'm TIRED of searching for a model who matches the book I wrote. From here on out, I'm doing picture first, then writing the book.
The one o'clock appointment I clearly remember entering into Google calendar yesterday. WHERE IS IT? #uxfail #android #goingbackwards
#uxfail #android #goingbackwards
car culture trash...
#carculture #trash #trashbin #goingbackwards #unsustainable #stopdrivingcars #stopburninggas #animatedgif
#carculture #trash #trashbin #goingbackwards #unsustainable #stopdrivingcars #stopburninggas #animatedgif
car culture trash...
#carculture #trash #trashbin #goingbackwards #unsustainable #stopdrivingcars #stopburninggas #animatedgif
#carculture #trash #trashbin #goingbackwards #unsustainable #stopdrivingcars #stopburninggas #animatedgif
car culture trash...
#carculture #trash #trashbin #goingbackwards #unsustainable #stopdrivingcars #stopburninggas #animatedgif
#carculture #trash #trashbin #goingbackwards #unsustainable #stopdrivingcars #stopburninggas #animatedgif