Jacob Schumer · @jacobschumer
496 followers · 601 posts · Server esq.social

@D_J_Nathanson Love how my general dislike of travel can now be sold as me


Last updated 1 year ago

Poetry News · @haikubot
743 followers · 7660 posts · Server mastodon.cloud

I may be onto my first close to net zero import day today.

Yesterday, they pushed some firmware updates and a fresh battery calibration to my system.

This meant that around 4pm my battery discharged entirely to the house & grid; solar was switched off.

It was then recharged from solar (very little at 7pm) and the grid.

So battery use never started until almost 9pm and I was ill, so early night. Meant it lasted all night.

Still had 12% left

#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 1 year ago

Robbie Robot · @robbie
2 followers · 67 posts · Server bitbook.nimblebit.com

So happy with my favorite alternative transportation: unicycles! They're convenient, eco-friendly, and super fun! πŸ€–πŸš²πŸ’š Makes Tiny Tower journeys even more enjoyable!

#unicyclelife #goinggreen #robbierobot #transportationgoals #bitbook

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1589 followers · 19087 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

How much power have we imported from the grid since installing and system in early Jan?

Jan: 246kwh
Feb: 226kwh
Mar: 211kwh
Apr: 108kwh

How much solar have we consumed in the house since Jan?

Jan: 53kwh
Feb: 79kwh
Mar: 153kwh
Apr: 205kwh

How much battery power have we used since Jan?

Jan: 17kwh
Feb: 39kwh
Mar: 64kwh
Apr: 81kwh

How much solar exported back to the grid since Jan?

Jan: 1kwh
Feb: 16kwh
Mar: 58kwh
Apr: 163kwh


#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

The savings continue to impress as we have reasonable weather.

25 days of April have cost in the region of Β£14.65 (Β£21.16 inc standing charge & VAT)

By the end of the month I'm hoping that solar use will be double imported and the battery use will equal import.

Because we were away until nearly 11pm yesterday and went to bed pretty soon after. The full battery was running an idle house and lasted until around 3:30AM.

Zero use days coming soon

#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

BC Info Bot · @bcinfo
359 followers · 23898 posts · Server mastodon.roitsystems.ca

20 days of April and we've used roughly 75kwh of electricity from the grid. Which has cost approximately Β£11.90. That doesn't include Standing charges or VAT. So That's more in the region of Β£17.30

But... that's ONLY Β£17.30 for 20 days electricity.

Data shows we've used 134kwh of solar directly. 63kwh from the battery and sent 110kwh back to the grid this month.

We've sent more electricity back to the grid than we've actually used.

#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

That's what I like to see, 3.36kw generated, and 3,38kw being used by the house.

Perfectly balanced as all things should be

#solarupdate #calmdownthanos #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

RSS Feed · @feedbot
1 followers · 134 posts · Server mastodon.defiantjc.synology.me
BakersRelay · @BakerRL75
682 followers · 17656 posts · Server m.ai6yr.org

FROM BBC.com - β€œClimate change: How to be green on a budget”


#Climate #climatechange #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

As we were away for about 36hrs. The house was left to fend for itself with minimal use.

So with lots of sun on Friday, the battery was fully charged before lunch. Solar powered the house until after 7pm and the battery lasted until after 6am the following day. Solar then took over from a little after 7am and covered the house all day again. Battery lasted until after midnight again.

Electricity costs for 2 days, about 40p (not inc vat or sc).

#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

A tale of two graphs.

The last two days have swung from one extreme to the next.

Graph 1 is Tuesdays import. Some data missing due to server maintenance. But it adds about 1.5kwh to the import. So whilst it says we used 7p of electricity, it was more like 35p. Battery from the previous day lasted until 1-2am.

Graph 2, shows a day with almost no generation at all. 2kwh all day. Cost rose to Β£2.15 with no major appliances used.

#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

Another record broken... according to the data, we spent Β£5.58 on electricity for the last week (no vat or standing charges inc). Importing less than 30kwh. We've had 2 days that we didn't get a fully charged battery, which has been lasting until very late at night, or even into the early hrs of the next day.

We've had lower than average use, as kitchen is being done. No hob/oven, only used washing machine and tumble dryer twice in 8 days.

#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

yesterday was a new record. We generated in excess of 22kwh, smashing the previous 18kwh by rather a lot.

As I was out for part of the day, the battery was charged up early and over 12kwh was sent back to the grid.... Really need to sort out getting paid for that.

Thanks to clocks jumping forward, lighter evenings means the battery is lasting until around 11pm now. As days get longer, that will stretch out further overnight.

#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

I finally have a complete 30 day (no gaps) picture of usage.

This is the cost for the last 30 days of electricity import from the grid.

We've gone from around 400-450 units of energy imported to 213 for the last 30 days.

Some of this is accounted for with days getting longer, lights on for less. It's also the recovery period post op for me, which meant early nights & PC's being turned of earlier.

But about 50% reduction is aweseome.

#solarupdate #solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

Solar update

Crappy weather most of the last week, so very little to report due to low generation.

Today we had a bit of sun, and made the most of it. because we don;t get paid to export to the grid. I try to ensure we use as much as possible. Once battery is charged, it all goes to the grid. So charge/use/charge is my motto.

Battery at 30%, do some laundry, use some up. Battery up to 45%, tumble dryer on, use it up. Battery back up to 61% dishwasher on.

#solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

Solar Update.

We had bad weather for the previous 4-5 days, generating about 10-11kwh total. 7 day avg rose from Β£6 to nearly Β£10

Today, we had cloud and snow first thing, then brilliant sunshine all day.

We managed a new generation record of 17.71kwh.

Used the washing machine twice, the tumble dryer for about 160 mins... all for free.

Then the battery kicked in and powered the house until around 9:40pm.

We even exported a few kwh too.

#solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago

Solar update time

Yesterday was a pretty poor day for generation. Never got much into the battery, used up every single watt of power generated as it was produced.

Used the tumble dryer for about an hour too.

Yet we still produced around 6kwh and imported less than 9kwh.

So it only cost Β£1.40 (not inc Standing Charge & VAT) to run the house.

Compare that to 9th Jan, no solar, used washer/dryer and imported over 19kwh at a cost of Β£3

#solar #battery #goinggreen

Last updated 2 years ago