2/? On its own, it's a paean to the #Nakba and its impact to today- #ethniccleansing, apartheid, occupation, racism, murderous colonizers, the erasure of #Palestinians. In order to justify showing it, there should at least be a teach-in or some appropriate context provided for moviegoers. It's irresponsible to do otherwise.
If you (theater or public) consider yourself open to racial justice, feminism or any human rights cause, you should at the very least...
#goldameir #golda #FreePalestine
#freepalestine #golda #goldameir #palestinians #ethniccleansing #nakba
Am 10. Juni 1973 ist Bundeskanzler #WillyBrandt zu Gast im Bildungszentrum Beit Berl nördlich von Tel Aviv. Dort trifft er sich mit #GoldaMeir und anderen führenden Mitgliedern der israelischen Arbeitspartei, der Schwesterpartei der SPD.
#WillyBrandtinIsrael1973: Vom 7.–11. Juni befindet sich Willy Brandt als erster deutscher #Bundeskanzler auf Staatsbesuch in #Israel.
#willybrandt #goldameir #willybrandtinisrael1973 #Bundeskanzler #israel
Am Nachmittag des 7. Juni 1973 wird #WillyBrandt am Flughafen Lod von Premierministerin #GoldaMeir empfangen. Es ist der erste Staatsbesuch eines amtierenden Bundeskanzlers in Israel (Bild 1). Unmittelbar nach seiner Ankunft besucht Bundeskanzler Brandt am 7. Juni die nationale Holocaust-Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. In der Gedenkhalle legt er einen Kranz nieder und zitiert in seiner Rede aus einem Bibel-Psalm (Bild 2).
#willybrandt #goldameir #willybrandtinisrael1973
May 3 is the birthday of former Israeli Prime Minister #GoldaMeir who we #quote and back with a picture of flowers blooming at #FallbrookLandConservancy’s sculpture garden. If this #quotograph speaks to you please repost it.
#goldameir #quote #fallbrooklandconservancy #quotograph
#histodons #politics #Palestine #israel’s home grown neo-fascist Bezalel Smotrich echoing #GoldaMeir. People tend to forget that Israel was in the business of #EthnicCleansing from its inception and it didn’t start with Smotrich nor Meir.
“There is no such thing as a Palestinian n. nation. There is no Palestinian history. There is no Palestinian language,”
#histodons #politics #palestine #israel #goldameir #ethniccleansing
#Israel #politics "We will not be nice" ... while protesting the attempted political system change in Israel-Palestine, the left paraphrasing #GoldaMeir's infamous 1970's derogatory language towards non-Yiddish speaking Israelis (Sefardis) . Full circle, I guess.
‘#Golda’ Review: #HelenMirren Channels #GoldaMeir in a Tense Dramatization of the Yom Kippur War https://variety.com/2023/film/reviews/golda-review-helen-mirren-golda-meir-1973-yom-kippur-war-1235529163/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#Golda #helenmirren #goldameir
‘#Golda’ Director #GuyNattiv Tackles Debate Over Casting Of Non-Jewish Actress #HelenMirren For Lead Role In #GoldaMeir Biopic https://deadline.com/2023/02/helen-mirren-golda-berlin-film-festival-1235265515/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
#Golda #guynattiv #helenmirren #goldameir
@oliphant 💯 “To be or not to be is not a question of compromise. Either you be or you don't be.” #GoldaMeir
RT @SaveSJarrah@twitter.com
US/Israel narrative is that Palestinians are blamed for dying. It is the Palestinians’ fault for dying because all that Israel had done was in self-defence. The Israeli PM #GoldaMeir once said, that she will never “forgive the Palestinians for having forced us to kill their sons” https://twitter.com/Mistaclim/status/1598701776525414401
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/SaveSJarrah/status/1598870310895620096
Forse l'ha iniziato #GoldaMeir, forse #ShimonPeres, ma in ogni caso, nessuno dei loro successori ha cercato di andare in un'altra direzione per arginare la marea. Pensavate davvero che #YairLapid, uomo di destra moderato e vuoto, pieno di buone intenzioni, fosse in grado di offrire un'alternativa a Ben-Gvir? Quale alternativa? Uccidere dolcemente? Per poter abbracciare Emmanuel #Macron?
Ora #Israele ha deciso che preferisce non essere gentile quando si tratta di uccidere. Il prossimo governo eviterà almeno il pavoneggiarsi.
Per anni, una sinistra senza timone e un centro che manca di leadership e di coraggio ha tentato disperatamente di strisciare e imitare la destra.
Poteva solo finire con Ben-Gvir e con i nazionalisti di #Shas. Non c'era altro risultato possibile. ⬇6
#Shas #israele #macron #yairlapid #ShimonPeres #goldameir
Buongiorno Palestina 13 https://wombat.noblogs.org/2019/10/17/buongiorno-palestina-13/ #BuongiornoPalestina #primaguerramondiale #guerradeiseigiorni #AlturedelGolan #Gerusalemmeest #risoluzioniONU #Cisgiordania #guerradiSuez #GoldaMeir #egitto #Shoah #1956 #1967 #Gaza
#buongiornopalestina #primaguerramondiale #guerradeiseigiorni #alturedelgolan #gerusalemmeest #risoluzionionu #cisgiordania #guerradisuez #goldameir #egitto #shoah #gaza