Kotaku: Final Fantasy XVI Shouldn’t Be This Divisive https://kotaku.com/final-fantasy-xvi-16-ff16-action-rpg-combat-fans-1850587235 #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #hironobusakaguchi #finalfantasyxvi #yuffiekisaragi #finalfantasy #windowsgames #devilmaycry #squareenix #davidbowie #goldenera #fantasy #donald #clive #spira #jill #rpg #cid
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #roleplayingvideogames #hironobusakaguchi #FinalFantasyXVI #yuffiekisaragi #finalfantasy #windowsgames #devilmaycry #squareenix #davidbowie #goldenera #fantasy #donald #clive #spira #jill #rpg #cid
Happy original #DeLaSoul albums release day! *Most* of the samples are finally cleared but there are some subtle differences and - predictably - Cool Breeze on The Rocks is not there (on streaming at least).
#delasoul #hiphop #goldenera #boombap #nativetongues
Twits CAN be fun, watching some culture vulture getting slammed for saying EPMD are overrated has sparked joy. #GoldenEra
So excited, had to wear the tee today #DeLaSoul #NewReleases #3FeetHighAndRising #HipHop #GoldenEra #NativeTongues
#delasoul #newreleases #3feethighandrising #hiphop #goldenera #nativetongues
Heck yea, De La Soul's original albums are finally coming to streaming and new physicals - starting in March!
And #MeMyselfAndI just dropped on Spotify today! #DeLaSoul #NativeTongues #GoldenEra #boombap #merchandise
#memyselfandi #delasoul #nativetongues #goldenera #boombap #merchandise
RT @AtlantaRouleur
🎥: @gcntweet
#Azencross #Loenhout #ExactCross #mvdp #mathieuvanderpoel #wout #woutvanaert #pidcock #tompidcock
#goldenera #azencross #loenhout #exactcross #mvdp #mathieuvanderpoel #wout #woutvanaert #pidcock #tompidcock
En 1957, Elvis Presley a reçu son avis de préavis pour servir deux ans dans l'armée américaine.
#elvis #elvispresley #oldhollywood #classichollywood #goldenage #goldenera #history #nostalgia #vintage #retro #movie #film #cinema #actor #icon #1950s #50s
#elvis #elvispresley #oldhollywood #classichollywood #goldenage #goldenera #history #nostalgia #vintage #retro #movie #film #cinema #actor #icon #1950s #50s
Burt Lancaster et Ava Gardner jouent sur la plage pendant le tournage de "The Killers", 1946.
#burtlancaster #avagardner #thekillers #noirfilm #noirmovie #filmnoir #oldhollwoodstars #oldhollywood #oldstars #oldcinema #classichollywoodstars #classichollywoodfilmstars #classichollywood #behindthecamera #behindthescenes #behindthemovie #goldenhollywood #goldenagehollywood #goldenageofhollywood #goldenage #goldenera #goldenstars #1946 #historyinpictures
#BurtLancaster #avagardner #thekillers #noirfilm #noirmovie #filmnoir #oldhollwoodstars #oldhollywood #oldstars #oldcinema #classichollywoodstars #classichollywoodfilmstars #classichollywood #behindthecamera #behindthescenes #behindthemovie #goldenhollywood #goldenagehollywood #GoldenAgeOfHollywood #goldenage #goldenera #goldenstars #historyinpictures
Vol en première classe dans les années 1960.
La vie était autrefois plus simple. Il n'y avait qu'une seule classe pour les passagers sur les vols aériens.
#flyingfirstclass #firstclassflight #firstclasstravel #planetravel #aviationhistory #airlinestewardess #goldenera #thisisgold #1960s #historyinpictures
#flyingfirstclass #firstclassflight #firstclasstravel #planeTravel #AviationHistory #airlinestewardess #goldenera #thisisgold #1960s #historyinpictures
Marilyn Monroe dans Certains aiment ça chaud (1959)
#marilynmonroe #oldhollywood #classichollywood #goldenage #goldenera #history #nostalgia #vintage #retro #movie #film #cinema #actor #icon #1950s #50s
#marilynmonroe #oldhollywood #classichollywood #goldenage #goldenera #history #nostalgia #vintage #retro #movie #film #cinema #actor #icon #1950s #50s
Grace Kelly fait de la luge avec ses enfants Caroline et Albert à Gstaad, Suisse, 1962.
#gracekelly #oldhollywood #classichollywood #goldenage #goldenera #history #nostalgia #vintage #retro #movie #film #cinema #actor #icon #1960s #60s
#GraceKelly #oldhollywood #classichollywood #goldenage #goldenera #history #nostalgia #vintage #retro #movie #film #cinema #actor #icon #1960s #60s
Can a country’s president bankrupt its Central Bank? Ferdinand Marcos did that in 1983, and today, generations of taxpayers not yet born during Marcos’s time are still paying for those bad loans the Marcos regime took out and wasted.
#marcos #goldenera
Can a country’s president bankrupt its Central Bank? Ferdinand Marcos did that in 1983, and today, generations of taxpayers not yet born during Marcos’s time are still paying for those bad loans the Marcos regime took out and wasted.
#marcos #goldenera
Star Atlas Announces Golden Era Start Sequence - Star Atlas announced the launch of the Golden Era Start Sequence, which ... - https://dailycoin.com/star-atlas-announces-golden-era-start-sequence/ #zzzeditorspicks #gamingnews #zz_popular #zzznative #goldenera #staratlas #zz_index #zz_top
#zz_top #zz_index #staratlas #goldenera #zzznative #zz_popular #gamingnews #zzzeditorspicks
More #aboutme bits:- before #synthwave, I was/am a big fan of #boombap and #goldenera #hiphop (80s - mid 90s). My favourite band from this time is #ATribeCalledQuest, with #LowEndTheory being my no.1 album.
I also love the art and ethos of #Basquiat
Further #introductions
#aboutme #synthwave #boombap #goldenera #hiphop #atribecalledquest #lowendtheory #basquiat #introductions
Female Icons of The 1960s ✨ on Instagram: "road trip 🧡 #60s #60sstyle #60saesthetic #60sfashion #retro #vintage #actress #singer #model #styleinspo #swingingsixties #nostalgia #photooftheday #music #retroaesthetic #vintagestyle #inspo #fashion #makeup #throwback #goldenera #explorepage #foryou #timeless #swinginglondon #cars #mustang #roadtrip #driving #popculture 🪄" https://www.instagram.com/p/CjOGxqVMEJ2/
#popculture #driving #roadtrip #mustang #cars #swinginglondon #timeless #foryou #explorepage #goldenera #throwback #makeup #fashion #inspo #vintagestyle #retroaesthetic #music #photooftheday #nostalgia #swingingsixties #styleinspo #model #singer #actress #vintage #retro #60sfashion #60saesthetic #60sstyle #60s