They also provided some of the community that got me through 2020, as I bonded with the small group of regulars who were playing #GoldeneyeSource frequently. That was a hard year for the obvious global reason, but also personally due to burnout and the ending of my life partnership (fortunately not legally complex, since we never civil unioned or married). Retreating into nostalgia and community was a great help to me at that time.
When I was growing up, this meant lots of #Goldeneye and #PerfectDark on the #N65 (#Nintendo64). At university, it meant lots and lots of #Halo with folks living on my hall. Nowadays it means nostalgia with #GoldeneyeSource (an online multiplayer version built on the Half Life 2 game engine) with a bit of #Titanfall2 and #CSGO mixed in. I've never personally gotten the appeal of 3rd person perspective for shooters, but if you're a fan maybe you can tell me why?
#goldeneye #PerfectDark #n65 #nintendo64 #halo #goldeneyesource #titanfall2 #csgo