Waugh, D. C. (2017). The ‘owl of misfortune’ or the ‘phoenix of prosperity’? Re-thinking the impact of the Mongols. Journal of Eurasian Studies, 8(1), 10–21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.euras.2016.11.004 #OpenAccess #OA #Journal #Article #MongolEmpire #Mongols #GoldenHorde #CentralAsia #EasternEurope #Archeology #Europe #Asia #Eurasia #History #Histodon #Histodons @archaeodons @histodon @histodons
#openaccess #journal #article #MongolEmpire #eurasia #histodons #oa #archeology #europe #asia #history #histodon #mongols #goldenhorde #centralasia #easterneurope
"The #CrimeanTatars are the Turkic-speaking native people of #Crimea, absorbed by the #Mongol #GoldenHorde in the 13th century. They adopted #Islam and broke away as the powerful Crimean Khanate in the 15th century. After Russian annexation in 1783, the process of persecution and expulsion began under imperial rule, and it was continued under the #SovietUnion." #UkraineWar
The underground Crimean Tatar group taking up arms against #Russia
#Russia #UkraineWar #sovietunion #islam #goldenhorde #mongol #crimea #CrimeanTatars
Some lite Sunday morning reading #History #GoldenHorde
The Golden Horde was the European appanage of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE). https://www.worldhistory.org/Golden_Horde/ #History #BatuKhan #ChagataiKhanate #GoldenHorde
#goldenhorde #chagataikhanate #batukhan #History
Are you ready to be black-pilled and turn on Genghis Khan and car culture at the same time?
#carculture #histodon #GenghisKhan #horsepower #GoldenHorde #kilowatts #notjusybikes #urbanism #priorities #values
#carculture #histodon #genghiskhan #horsepower #goldenhorde #kilowatts #notjusybikes #urbanism #priorities #values
The Chagatai Khanate (also Chaghatai, Jagatai, Chaghatay or Ca'adai, c. 1227-1363 CE) was that part of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368 CE) which covered what is today mostly Uzbekistan, southern Kazakhstan, and western Tajikistan. The khanate was established by Chagatai (1183-1242 CE), the second son of Genghis Khan (r. 1206-1227 CE). It was perhaps the one Mongol khanate that remained true to its...https://www.worldhistory.org/Chagatai_Khanate/ #ChagataiKhanate #GoldenHorde #Ilkhanate #History
#History #ilkhanate #goldenhorde #chagataikhanate
Batu Khan (l. 1205-1255 CE) was a grandson of Genghis Khan and the founder of the Golden Horde. Batu was a skilled Mongol military commander and won battles from China to Persia, although his most famous exploits involve the grand Mongol campaign into Europe from 1236-1241 CE which resulted in the Mongol horde annihilating the armies of Russia, Poland, and Hungary, among others. Later Batu woul...https://www.worldhistory.org/Batu_Khan/ #BatuKhan #GoldenHorde #MongkeKhan
#mongkekhan #goldenhorde #batukhan