Die erste Ernte von genverÀndertem #goldenrice auf den Philippinen ist eingebracht. Provitamin A verbessert die Sehkraft und behebt Vitaminmangel. Leider ist das Projekt wegen Klagen schon wieder gestoppt.
Noch ein sehr guter Artikel zum #GoldenRice im @ZEITmagazin
. đ
Diese Geschichte wird schon in naher Zukunft einen riesengroĂen Schandfleck fĂŒr #Greenpeace darstellen.
RT @drvandanashiva
India, the land which evolved 200,000 rice varieties had its rice heritage destroyed by IRRI
IRRI stole our rices & displaced Dr Richaria ,Director of the CRRI
The IRRI rices destroyed the soil,water ,biodiversity of #Punjab
Now IRRI is implementing #Gates agenda #GoldenRice https://twitter.com/masipagfarmers/status/1643004493066567680
@failedLyndonLaRouchite the arguments about #goldenRice are by no means over. âŠand Iâm old enough to have moved from unthinking & naive enthusiasm for #Borlaugâs #GreenRevolution, to the realisation that in the context of food system resilience, nutrient poor, nitrogen demanding, high yielding hybrid cereals have been a disaster for feeding the world. #diversity & #agroecology based #regenerative #agriculture free of #FossilFuel dependence is the only hope for feeding future generations.
#fossilfuel #agriculture #regenerative #agroecology #diversity #greenrevolution #borlaug #goldenrice
@Sfwmson There are some similarities in the ideas but also some differences. For within-species hybridization multiple traits from both strains appear in the hybrid.
For GMO, it is usually a single trait that is extracted from one species which does not appear in any strain of the target species, and is inserted into the target, resulting in an organism that could not appear in nature in any reasonable human timespan through hybridization alone.
An example is golden rice, which is rice that had bacterial and daffodil genes inserted into rice DNA to resulting in rice that produces vitamin A (beta-carotene).
#RationalWiki #goldenrice #gmo
#rationalwiki #goldenrice #gmo
#Farmers in the Philippines cultivated #GoldenRice on a larger scale. It will now be distributed to women & children at risk of #vitaminA deficiency. This is the first instance of a humanitarian project using a #GMO crop to solve a major #health issue: https://ethz.ch/en/news-and-events/eth-news/news/2022/11/the-seeds-have-germinated.html #ag
#farmers #goldenrice #vitaminA #gmo #health #ag
The first crops of Golden Rice have been harvested in Philipines.
It's an important achievement because this is beta carotene enriched GMO rice designed to prevent blindness in children in the countries where rice is the staple food and where beta carotene deficiency is prevalent.
"Ingo Potrykus erfand vor ĂŒber 20 Jahren einen Gen-Reis, der Millionen Kinder retten sollte. Jetzt wird der Reis endlich angebaut. Aber auf dem Weg dazu hat der frĂŒhere ETH-Professor den Glauben an das Gute im Menschen verloren."
Die Entwickler des #GoldenRice haben nie verstanden, dass Essen etwas mit Selbstbestimmung zu tun hat, und eine "Lösung", die Ungerechtigkeit konserviert, indem sie ein Teilproblem löst, eine Scheinlösung ist. Das finde ich erstaunlich. #GrĂŒneGentechnik. https://www.republik.ch/2022/11/26/ingo-potrykus-wollte-die-welt-veraendern-doch-sie-veraenderte-ihn?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-de-DE
RT @dpomondi@twitter.com
Die Entwickler des #GoldenRice haben nie verstanden, dass Essen etwas mit Selbstbestimmung zu tun hat, und eine "Lösung", die Ungerechtigkeit konserviert, indem sie ein Teilproblem löst, eine Scheinlösung ist. Das finde ich erstaunlich. #GrĂŒneGentechnik https://www.republik.ch/2022/11/26/ingo-potrykus-wollte-die-welt-veraendern-doch-sie-veraenderte-ihn?utm_source=pocket-newtab-global-de-DE
đŠđ: https://twitter.com/dpomondi/status/1598559887017000961
Success! Tons of #GoldenRice have now been harvested in the #Philippines.
#goldenrice #philippines #gmo #ftw
"GRAIN | Donât get fooled again! Unmasking two decades of lies about Golden Rice" https://grain.org/en/article/6067-don-t-get-fooled-again-unmasking-two-decades-of-lies-about-golden-rice #goldenrice
RT @ReskiLab
A victory for science: Roll-out of #GoldenRice.
Ah, the #GoldenRice story. It is tragic in many ways--so many have suffered or died in the meantime.
But at least it's getting close to saving children now. I hope Potrykus gets to see that.
Ohne Gentechnik hÀtten #Diabetiker immer noch Pferde- und Schweine, statt Humaninsulin.
#Patente sind das Problem, nicht #Gentechnik an sich.
In diesem Fall gibt es kein Problem mit Patenten. Trotzdem ging #Greenpeace auf ihn los...
#goldenrice #greenpeace #gentechnik #patente #diabetiker
Ăber die Geschichte des goldenen Reis, eine traurige Geschichte! #GoldenRice #Republik
#Philippines approves #GoldenRice for direct use as #food and feed, or for processing
December 18, Philippines - After rigorous #biosafety #assessment, Golden Rice âhas been found to be as safe as conventional #rice" by the Philippine Department of Agriculture-Bureau of Plant.
Wouhou! If this is true, this is great news! :blobGoodMorning:
#philippines #goldenrice #food #biosafety #assessment #rice #gmo #agriculture #biotech
Block on #GM #rice âhas cost millions of lives and led to child blindnessâ
Eco groups and global treaty blamed for delay in supply of vitamin-A enriched #GoldenRice
#gm #rice #goldenrice #greenpeace #gmo #ecologybiotechnology
GMO Golden Rice Offers No Nutritional Benefits Says FDA #GMO #LabelGMOs #agroecology #GoldenRice #Vitamins #Supplements @DavidSuzukiFDN https://www.independentsciencenews.org/news/gmo-golden-rice-offers-no-nutritional-benefits-says-fda/ âŠ
#gmo #labelgmos #agroecology #goldenrice #vitamins #supplements