#DailyBloggingChallenge (39/50)
Goldenrod (Q212939) is currently in bloom and is ready for foraging. This is one of the key herbs to help combat the upcoming flu season.
Best to find the plants at least 50m away from any roadways. And cut them just below the last stems holding the flowers.
After the initial cut it is best to remove any extra foliage before laying out the flowers on sheets for drying. This is easier while the plant matter is still wet over later when it is dry.
Use screens or cardboard over metal sheets and have a breeze cycle frequently over it to reduce the chance of spoilage. This can also be done manually a couple times a day. Let them dry in a shaded area over direct sunlight.
#wildcrafting #goldenrod #herbalism #DailyBloggingChallenge #foraging
I know plenty of folks are allergic to goldenrod, but dang that stuff is pretty.
#yellow #Flowers #Photo #goldenrod
Gdzieś na Lubelszczyźnie. Wielka łąka obok kopalni. Fajnie można było uświadomić sobie że nawłocowisko kwitnie tylko raz a różnorodne rośliny dają jakaś ciągłość.
It was nice to realize that goldenrod blooms only once, and that the diverse plants give some continuity.
#zapylacze #dzikiepszczoly #pollinators #meadow #goldenrod #bees
#bees #goldenrod #meadow #pollinators #dzikiepszczoly #zapylacze
Stopping here tonight. #watercolor #watercolorpainting #stilllife #teapot #witch #blackcat #goldenrod #queenanneslace #snakewort #everything
#everything #snakewort #queenanneslace #goldenrod #blackcat #witch #teapot #stilllife #watercolorpainting #WaterColor
Dear #HOA,
This is a plot of #Goldenrod (gen. /Solidago/). They are #native to this area, have lovely yellow #flowers, and enrich the soil with #nitrogen. It is also a "keystone species", extremely important for #pollinator #diversity.
Since I am cultivating them, they are exempt from Sec 20-2(a), even if higher than 10 inches.
There are some #weeds here, especially an invasive monocot called "#grass". I am doing my best to eradicate it.
Thanks for your patience.
ex oh ex oh
luv, mike
#grass #weeds #diversity #pollinator #nitrogen #Flowers #native #goldenrod #hoa
In laboratory dish tests, extracts from the flowers of tall #goldenrod (Solidago altissima) and the rhizomes of the eagle fern (Pteridium aquilinum) each blocked #SARS-CoV-2 from entering human #cells.
#Covid19 #Virology #Pharmaceutical #sflorg
#goldenrod #sars #cells #COVID19 #virology #pharmaceutical #sflorg
Ever wanted to see a Goldenrod plant and pollen up close? Now you can! 🙂
SEM analysis of the common goldenrod (Solidago) plant that I harvested/preserved over the summer. My plant biology knowledge is patchy, but I don't think I made too many mistakes in the narration (please feel free to correct if I did though!)
#botany #sem #electronmicroscopy #goldenrod #Gardening #NativePlants #Wildlife #Ecology #solidago
#botany #sem #electronmicroscopy #goldenrod #gardening #nativeplants #wildlife #ecology #solidago
@nativeplants Goldenrod is such an incredible pollinator plant! Nice to know of these NWF resources 🐝
I was sad to read that #goldenrod pollen protein content (and likely that of other flowering plants) has dropped a third since the Industrial Revolution, associated with rising #CO2 levels.
Bees depend on protein-rich pollen as food for their young and to help maintain immunity to pathogens/parasites 🌼
I like autumn very much. Especially when goldenrod / nawłoć blooms around. It is a unique plant with many health properties.
Below my beloved oc - Duszka the Witch
#goldenrod #procreate #witch #MastoArt
Murder Bugs: A Love Story
"An immense pleasure to read ... The love of invertebrates and the complexity of human behaviour are beautifully married in this imaginative thriller ... The invertebrates are truly fantastic. The murders are clever and gruesome ... A riveting novel that is difficult to put down ... I thoroughly enjoyed it"
Marvin Gunderman, Entomology Instructor at McMaster U (retd)
#wasp #yellowjacket #Gold #golden #goldenrod
Photos by Jaedyn Ruli
#naturephotography #bees #Hymenoptera #goldenrod #insect #entomology
#entomology #insect #goldenrod #Hymenoptera #bees #naturephotography
#pollinators🐝 love #NativePlants.
I actually had no clue the white aster was thriving in our yard. I'm so pleased now.
#RedOak #easterndaisyfleabane #whiteaster #goldenrod #redmaple
Music: light
Musician: Jeff Kaale
#pollinators #nativeplants #RedOak #easterndaisyfleabane #whiteaster #goldenrod #redmaple
My fam and I went to a corn maze but all I could see was the meadow next to it.
#nativeplants #goldenrod #monarchbutterfly #joepyeweed #eveningprimrose #easterndaisyfleabane #pollinators #meadows
#nativeplants #goldenrod #monarchbutterfly #joepyeweed #EveningPrimrose #easterndaisyfleabane #pollinators #meadows
Made some Goldenrod infused honey. (Solidago canadensis)