It's not widely published, but in fact I was the one to drive the golden spike into Warren Harding's chest. He struggled mightily — motherfucker bit off part of my ass cheek — but still died six days later. #Victory #GoldenSpike #WarrenGamalielHarding #AlaskaHistory
#victory #goldenspike #warrengamalielharding #alaskahistory
#goldenspike #anthropocene #climatecrisis
2022 - A Rock-Solid Year For Geology
-- <-- shared article
“2022 was a rockin’ good year for geology.
From mysteries deep within the Earth’s interior to a future supercontinent, here are five ways geology rocked our world this year…”
• Looking deep down into history
• Chicken and the egg: oxygen or photosynthesis?
• Reading the rocks to find the Best Australian Science Writing 2021
• Golden Spike to mark the Anthropocene
• A future supercontinent
#GIS #spatial #mapping #geology #research #science #interior #2022year #2022 #earth #structuralgeology #review #anthropocene #GoldenSpike #supercontinent #seismology #geophysics #ULVZ #oxygen #photosynthesis #hyperthermophilic #bacteria #Amasia #model #modeling #spatiotemporal
#gis #spatial #mapping #geology #research #science #interior #2022year #earth #structuralgeology #review #anthropocene #goldenspike #supercontinent #seismology #geophysics #ulvz #oxygen #photosynthesis #hyperthermophilic #bacteria #amasia #model #modeling #spatiotemporal
Das Eis weiß, wann das Anthropozän begonnen hat Die Zahl der Kandidaten für den Ort, der den Beginn eines neuen geologischen Zeitalters symbolisieren könnte, schrumpft auf neun. #GoldenSpike #Referenzort
The #GoldenSpike ceremony 150 years ago is remembered as an iconic moment in the history of U.S. expansion.
But there are other ways to understand the railroad’s significance... especially when we look at its use of racial violence: