I was listening to one of the Casefile episodes on the Golden State Killer and it scared me to death! This is one case that will have to be listened to in the bright light of day.
#truecrime #casefile #truecrimepodcast #goldenstatekiller
@mikallemachtig top! Zet m op mn lijstje. Heb de docu op Netflix wel al gezien.
Tips die ik op #HBOMax al keek (heb nog niet zolang een abonnement)
I'll be gone in the Dark (over de #GoldenStateKiller) en
There's Something Wrong with Aunt Diane
Tuesday #column: If you thought #SmartphoneTracking made you vulnerable, just you wait until global gene mapping lets The Man keep his beady eyes on you wherever you go... #SurveillanceState #GeneMapping #GoldenStateKiller #LinköpingKiller #writing
Gene-mapping the Linköping Killer:
#writing #surveillancestate #goldenstatekiller #column #Smartphonetracking #GeneMapping #LinköpingKiller
Tuesday #column: If you thought #SmartphoneTracking made you vulnerable, just you wait until global gene mapping lets The Man keep his beady eyes on you wherever you go... #SurveillanceState #GeneMapping #GoldenStateKiller #LinköpingKiller #writing
Gene-mapping the Linköping Killer:
#goldenstatekiller #Smartphonetracking #GeneMapping #column #surveillancestate #LinköpingKiller #writing
RT @mgafni@twitter.com: It was an "open source" #DNA website GEDmatch that helped #GoldenStateKiller investigators track down #JosephDeAngelo, lead investigator says https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/04/26/ancestry-23andme-deny-assisting-law-enforcement-in-east-area-rapist-case/ @23andMe@twitter.com @Ancestry@twitter.com #EastAreaRapist
#dna #goldenstatekiller #josephdeangelo #eastarearapist