Crypto Lender Ledn Partners With Parallel To Offer Fiat-Free Real Estate Purchases in Cayman Islands - On August 24, Cryptocurrency lender Ledn partnered with Cayman's top crypto real estate b... - #parallellimited #blockchainnews #caymanislands #goldenvisa #ledn
#ledn #goldenvisa #caymanislands #blockchainnews #parallellimited
EXCLUSIVE: Crypto Lender Ledn Partners With Parallel To Offer Fiat-Free Real Estate Purchases in Cayman Islands - On August 24, Cryptocurrency lender Ledn partnered with Cayman's top crypto real estate b... - #parallellimited #blockchainnews #caymanislands #goldenvisa #ledn
#ledn #goldenvisa #caymanislands #blockchainnews #parallellimited
#Portugal #GoldenVisa #Immigration #USA: "For many Americans, a love affair with Portugal blossomed over the last three years: The Iberian nation offered cheap real estate, miles of beautiful coastline and a reprieve from divisive US politics at a time when remote work was flourishing. Now, reality has settled in — and the honeymoon is over.
From language barriers and bureaucratic challenges to housing costs that have been driven higher by foreign investment, some expats say that life in Portugal hasn’t met their expectations.
The country is losing its appeal for potential newcomers, too, after pulling its golden visa program in February. Several expat services, consultants and bloggers say there’s been a decrease in the number of foreigners looking to relocate to Portugal. Get Golden Visa, an international residency program, recorded a 37% drop in the number of inquiries from Americans for its Portugal programs in the first quarter, and a 18% drop for all expats, compared with the same period last year.
“People who enquired last winter about moving to Portugal have for the most part not followed through,” said David McNeill, founder of consulting company Expat Empire."
#portugal #goldenvisa #immigration #usa
Adiós a la ‘golden visa’ en Europa: de atraer inversión a ‘culpable’ de precios altos de la vivienda #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Visadoparainversores #Visadoderesidencia #GoldenVisaEspaña #Internacional #GoldenVisa
#afc_news #afcolegiado #visadoparainversores #visadoderesidencia #goldenvisaespana #internacional #goldenvisa
Portugal avanza con los ‘golden visa’ para las inversiones en cultura y no sólo en inmuebles #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Internacional #AntónioCosta #GoldenVisa #Portugal
#afc_news #afcolegiado #internacional #antoniocosta #goldenvisa #portugal
Crece la demanda de viviendas de lujo gracias a la golden visa, según IDBO Consultants #AFC_News #AFColegiado #Permisosresidenciaextranjeros #Compraviviendaporextranjeros #GoldenVisaEspaña #Viviendadelujo #GoldenVisa #Vivienda
#afc_news #afcolegiado #permisosresidenciaextranjeros #compraviviendaporextranjeros #goldenvisaespana #viviendadelujo #goldenvisa #vivienda
El Gobierno cifra en casi 5.000 los 'visados de oro' expedidos desde 2013, la mayoría a fortunas chinas #AFC_News #AFColegiado #GoldenVisaEspaña #Marketnavigator #GoldenVisa #Economía
#afc_news #afcolegiado #goldenvisaespana #marketnavigator #goldenvisa #economia
Latest blog post is all about restrictions on the #GoldenVisa and the current state of the #market for #SpanishProperty There are also a couple of good looking Valencia apartments
#goldenvisa #market #spanishproperty
Portugal pone fin a la golden visa para “acabar con la especulación inmobiliaria” #AFC_News #AFColegiado #PrecioviviendaPortugal #ViviendasPortugal #Internacional #GoldenVisa #Portugal
#afc_news #afcolegiado #precioviviendaportugal #viviendasportugal #internacional #goldenvisa #portugal
Más País propone eliminar la 'golden visa' para "frenar la especulación de la vivienda" #AFC_News #AFColegiado #VisadoResidenciaInversores #Visadocompravivienda #GoldenVisaEspaña #Grandesfortunas #GoldenVisa #Vivienda
#afc_news #afcolegiado #visadoresidenciainversores #visadocompravivienda #goldenvisaespana #grandesfortunas #goldenvisa #vivienda
Al Rowaad offers complete guidance on Golden Visa eligibility and its benefits as per UAE law. Get the most out of your investment with our expert legal advice. Learn how to apply for a Golden Visa and enjoy long-term residency in the UAE. With Al Rowaad, you can be confident in your visa application and ensure it meets all the necessary requirements.
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Another property thats priced there and thereabouts for the good old #GoldenVisa, suitable for the kind of person looking to escape from Libertyland or Plague Island™, many people do and never look back, so what are YOU waiting for?
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#startups can explore the #goldenvisa option for #dubai
#PORTADA | #GoldenVisa: esquivant la llei d'estrangeria, 14.801 persones tenen el permís de residència a l'Estat espanyol a canvi d'una inversió de 500.000 €.
✍️ Per, i
#directa560 #goldenvisa #portada
#PORTADA | #GoldenVisa: esquivant la llei d'estrangeria, 14.801 persones tenen el permís de residència a l'Estat espanyol a canvi d'una inversió de 500.000 euros.
✍️ Un reportatge de Gemma Garcia Fàbrega, Marc Español i David Bou
📊 Infografies de Pau Fabregat
📝 Avançament de continguts de la #Directa560:
#portada #goldenvisa #directa560
Portugal's Prime Minister António Costa has said that the country plans to scrap a controversial "golden visa" scheme.
The initiative, launched in 2012 to to improve Portuguese industry and innovation, allows wealthy foreigners to obtain residency by investing in Portuguese companies or purchasing real estate. But the programme has been widely criticised in Portugal for contributing to rising property prices.
ஐக்கிய அரபு நாடுகள் விஜய் சேதுபதிக்கு ‘கோல்டன் விசா’ வழங்கியது via
#VijaySethupathi #goldenvisa #UAE
#uae #goldenvisa #VijaySethupathi
Portugal makes several changes to Golden Visa program
#Covid_19 #Goldenvisa #Portugal #Porto #Algarve
#algarve #porto #portugal #goldenvisa #COVID_19