I've launched a weekly fantasy fiction web series!

GOLDFIRE, a sea-fantasy adventure starring Bay and Aki, two tentative friends trying to unravel both magical and personal dilemmas.


The first novella is called Reflections.

I'd really love it if you clicked the link and checked out the first 2 short chapters. Let me know what you think!

Boosts welcome!!

#goldfire #fiction #webfiction #serialfiction #indie #sff #fantasy #amwriting #lgbtq

Last updated 2 years ago


I've launched a weekly fantasy fiction web series!

GOLDFIRE, a sea-fantasy adventure starring Bay and Aki, two tentative friends trying to unravel both magical and personal dilemmas.


The first novella is called Reflections.

I'd really love it if you clicked the link and checked out the first 2 short chapters. Let me know what you think!

Boosts welcome!!

#goldfire #fiction #webfiction #serialfiction #indie #sff #fantasy #amwriting #lgbtq

Last updated 2 years ago

Scott Levkoff · @ScottL
1 followers · 1 posts · Server sfba.social

Scott here, San Francisco Resident since 1990.
Lover & Builder of Culture, Events, Experiences and community.
Social Artist currently reimagining what service looks like now re: uplifting the Social Good.
Currently working on a new set of Social Tools under my personal brand
Just wrapped a 16 night, 50 show
Fellow Collaborators, Creators, Social Optimists, Chaos Magicians, Instigators...new adventures & ventures, hello!

#introduction #immersive #goldfire #halloween #haunt

Last updated 2 years ago

Mystery Babylon · @erosdiscordia
431 followers · 621 posts · Server inkdrop.space

I might actually also think up a couple of unique hashtags to use on my specific projects, so that I can find toots about them again...I think that's how it would work.

Who even knows.

Worth a try.


Last updated 3 years ago