#GlobalBoiling: In a sense, you could say we have built a heat-fueled rocketship that is taking us, for better or worse, on a trip beyond the #GoldilocksZone. We are not there yet. It’s #hot, but the things that our #ancestors lived with for millions of years—the deep #forests, the cool #ocean, the snow-capped #mountains—are still with us, still recognizable, still our companions.
Goodell, Jeff. The Heat Will Kill You First (pp. 292). Little, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition.
#globalboiling #goldilockszone #hot #ancestors #forests #ocean #mountains
Das Problem bei solchen Nachrichten ist ja immer, dass man zwar etwas entdeckt hat, was der #Erde ziemlich ähnlich ist und in der #GoldiLocksZone liegt, am Ende aber die vollkommen falsche Atmosphärenzusammensetzung hat und die Rotation an den Zentralstern gebunden ist.
Genau dasselbe Schema und dementsprechend Nachrichten gab es schon bei #Trappist1 und vielen anderen #Exoplaneten.
#erde #goldilockszone #trappist1 #exoplaneten
Elon Musk eyes ‘highly habitable’ planet that’s ‘practically next door’ | The Independent
#musk #Exoplanets #NextDoorNeighbour #spacex #proximacentauri #goldilockszone #EightyThousandYearJourney
#atoms clustered into #stars #planets #SolarSystems and #galaxies
In one solar system out of so many, there is a planet that a species named #earth
Besides burning fuels - they made up a #story called Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Scientists related the Goldilocks story to the evidence - life was only possible because variables were, for example, not too hot and not too cold.
The Planets #GoldilocksZone is also dependent on the chemical composition of its atmosphere #ClimateChange
#atoms #stars #planets #solarsystems #galaxies #earth #story #goldilockszone #ClimateChange
#atoms clustered into #stars #planets #SolarSystems and #galaxies
In one solar system out of so many, there is a planet that a species named #earth
Besides burning fuels - they made up a #story called Goldilocks and the Three Bears.
Scientists related the Goldilocks story to the evidence - life was only possible because variables were, for example, not too hot and not too cold.
The Planets #GoldilocksZone is also dependent on the chemical composition of its atmosphere #ClimateChange
#atoms #stars #planets #solarsystems #galaxies #earth #story #goldilockszone #climatechange
@mike The irony is that a scary request could come from either side. #GoldilocksZone