Neeraj Chopra, India’s celebrated athlete who captured the nation’s heart with his golden performance at the 2020 Olympic Summer Games ....
#NeerajChopra #Olympic #WorldChampionships #GoldMedal #Nation #SportsNews
#neerajchopra #olympic #worldchampionships #goldmedal #nation #sportsnews
Neeraj Chopra has achieved a historic milestone by winning the gold medal in javelin throw at the World Athletics Championships ....
#NeerajChopra #Athletics #GoldMedal #WorldChampionships #SportsNews
#neerajchopra #athletics #goldmedal #worldchampionships #sportsnews
Ze krijgt een operatie, en leert anders te spelen met haar stokken om minder belastend te spelen.
Ze speelt het album #GoldMedal in terwijl ze herstellende is van de operatie met braces om haar polsen.
Bij dit album stopt het gebruik van hun pseudoniemen, en Donna c wordt gewoon Torry.
In 2007 speelt ze nog op album Bitchin', maar in 2008 krijgt ze ook problemen met haar schouders en moet ze passen voor verdere tournees.
Ze speelt nog nummers in voor Greatest Hits Vol. 16, en stopt met drummen.
Indian archer Prathamesh Jawkar shocked world No.1 to win maiden archery World Cup gold, yesterday. Here's the winning moment when he scored 3 continuous perfect 10s under pressure.
#PrathameshJawkar #Archery #ArcheryWorldCup #GoldMedal
Video: @worldarchery #press
#prathameshjawkar #archery #archeryworldcup #goldmedal #press
The best thing about my phone is I can tap a few things into it, and someone will bring groceries to my house...if there were an Olympic phone grocery ordering team, hell yeah I'd be on it! #GoldMedal
Speed skater, eighteen
Turns like an epic tale
Gold medals, win beheld
Vanquisher of the Dutch
#jordanstolz #worldchampionships #speedskating #goldmedal #cinquain #poetry
#jordanstolz #worldchampionships #speedskating #goldmedal #cinquain #poetry
Thanks to #TomDaley new memoir #ComingUpForAir I now know more about diving and the #Olympics then I ever thought I would. If you're looking for a juicy tell-all with #Scandals and #OlympicHookups this book will disappoint, if you're looking for a #memoir with heart, honesty, motivation and hope then I suggest you check this one out. Tom talks candidly about his mental struggles, his training and injuries, falling in love with #DustinLanceBlack and becoming a father. Here is a guy who has won many medals and has managed to keep a level head on his shoulders and not let it turn him into an egomaniac!
#Bookstagram #GoldMedal #lgbtq🌈 #gayparentsaregoodparents
@bookstadon @bookstodon
#tomdaley #comingupforair #olympics #scandals #olympichookups #memoir #dustinlanceblack #bookstagram #goldmedal #lgbtq #gayparentsaregoodparents
Congratulations to #teamcanada #WorldJuniors for repeating your #goldmedal 🥉 triumph. 🇨🇦 #halifax was a fantastic host for the tournament. Proud of ya, boys! #restoredfaith #mostly
#teamcanada #worldjuniors #goldmedal #halifax #restoredfaith #mostly
Close #goldmedal match between #Denmark & #Switzerland in the #curling #EuropeanChampionship at #Ostersund
#goldmedal #denmark #switzerland #curling #europeanchampionship #ostersund
Cambridge Bay wrestler wins 1st ever medal — gold — for Nunavut at Canada Summer Games | CBC News #Nunavut #Sport #CanadaSummerGames #GoldMedal #Wrestling #nupoli #cdnpoli
#nunavut #sport #canadasummergames #goldmedal #wrestling #nupoli #cdnpoli
காமன்வெல்த் பேட்மிண்டன் போட்டியில் தங்கம் வென்றார் பி.வி. சிந்து… வீடியோ via
#PVSindhu #CWG2022 #CWG22 #CommonwealthGames2022 #CommonwealthGames22 #Badminton #Birmigham2022 #GoldMedal
#goldmedal #Birmigham2022 #badminton #CommonwealthGames22 #CommonwealthGames2022 #CWG22 #CWG2022 #PVSindhu
காமன்வெல்த் – இந்தியாவுக்கு 3வது தங்கம் via
#CommonwealthGames22 #CommonwealthGames #India4CWG2022 #GoldMedal
#goldmedal #india4cwg2022 #CommonwealthGames #CommonwealthGames22
Have a pleased International Olympic Day for you and your friends. Gather your friends and family and celebrate this day with great spirit and fun.
Happy World Olympics Day!
#worldolympicsday #copperchips #internationalolympicsday #olympicsday #sport #india #olympicgames #athlete #olympic #figureskating #athletics #trackandfield #fitness #running #training #m #usa #goldmedal #iceskating #motivation #athletes
#worldolympicsday #copperchips #InternationalOlympicsDay #olympicsday #sport #india #olympicgames #athlete #olympic #figureskating #athletics #trackandfield #fitness #running #training #m #usa #goldmedal #iceskating #motivation #athletes
I just earned the 'Go for the Gold (2022)' badge on @untappd! #olympics #goldmedal #beijing2022
#goldmedal #olympics #beijing2022
பாராலிம்பிக்ஸில் தங்கம் வென்றிருக்கும் அவர்களுக்கு வாழ்த்துக்கள். #பாராலிம்பிக்ஸ் வரலாற்றில் இந்திய வீராங்கனை ஒருவர் தங்கம் வெல்வது இதுவே முதல்முறை. #GoldMedal #AvaniLekhara #ShootingParaSport #Paralympics
#பாராலிம்பிக்ஸ் #goldmedal #AvaniLekhara #ShootingParaSport #paralympics
Aurélie Rivard swims to Canada's 1st gold medal at Tokyo Paralympics — and breaks own world record twice | CBC Sports #TokyoParalymics #TeamCanada #Tokyo2020 #Paralympics #Paralympics2020 #GoldMedal #cdnpoli
#teamcanada #tokyo2020 #paralympics #cdnpoli #goldmedal #paralympics2020 #TokyoParalymics
டோக்கியோ ஒலிம்பிக் 2020 : முக்கிய நிகழ்வுகளின் தொகுப்பு via
#Tokyo2020 #TokyoOlympics #goldmedal #Gold #Silver #Bronze #IndiaAtTokyo2020
#IndiaAtTokyo2020 #bronze #silver #gold #goldmedal #tokyoolympics #tokyo2020
நீரஜ் சோப்ராவுக்கு போதிய உணவு கூட மோடி அரசு வழங்கவில்லை – பயிற்சியாளர் குற்றச்சாட்டு via
#NeerajChopra #Gold #goldmedal #JavelinThrow #UweHohn
#UweHohn #JavelinThrow #goldmedal #gold #NeerajChopra
RT @nhk_news: 【速報 JUST IN】
オリンピック 野球 日本が金メダル獲得!!
#tokyo2020 #JPN #GoldMedal
RT @nhk_news: 【速報 JUST IN】
オリンピック 野球 日本が金メダル獲得!!
#tokyo2020 #JPN #GoldMedal