Cos'è la Teoria dei Vincoli, vantaggi e svantaggi
La Teoria dei Vincoli è un approccio applicabile alla gestione delle operations aziendali. ...
#goldratt #teoriadeivincoli #theoryofconstraints
#goldratt #teoriadeivincoli #theoryofconstraints
Cos'è la Teoria dei Vincoli, vantaggi e svantaggi
La Teoria dei Vincoli è un approccio applicabile alla gestione delle operations aziendali. ...
#goldratt #teoriadeivincoli #theoryofconstraints
#goldratt #teoriadeivincoli #theoryofconstraints
Cos'è la Teoria dei Vincoli, vantaggi e svantaggi
La Teoria dei Vincoli è un approccio applicabile alla gestione delle operations aziendali. ...
#goldratt #teoriadeivincoli #theoryofconstraints
#goldratt #teoriadeivincoli #theoryofconstraints
I once raised the idea of an #Unconference in an org, with a 250-strong dev team. The CTO squashed it based upon his view that the org needed outside expertise to fill knowledge gaps.
What he didn't realise is that the org already had the knowledge he was so keen to pay speakers thousands of pounds for, it was just unevenly distributed and they couldn't apply it because of systemic constraints.
In the end they spent 50k for negligible benefit.
#Goldratt #TheoryOfConstraints
#unconference #goldratt #theoryofconstraints
After the empire's collapse, the knowledge of the past also seals and no longer appears in reality. The first time I met #SystemsThinking in my life was around 2012. I was on the management faculty and thought it was something from the outside world as the whole management was. Then I discovered the works of #Meadows, #Deming and #Goldratt and became very interested in the topic. I thought that Jay Forrester was the leading thinker on the topic.
#systemsthinking #meadows #Deming #goldratt
Eli #Goldratt: “Focus is not just what to do, but mainly what not to do.“
In the first game,the German soccer team preferred to play in secondary theaters instead of focusing solely on playing football. Let’s wait and see whether they have learned something new #FIFAWorldCup2022