Einmal mit Profis arbeiten! · @Der_ITler
13 followers · 337 posts · Server nrw.social
DieSachsen · @diesachsen
83 followers · 2667 posts · Server dju.social

Einen Goldring in Dresden mit Edelsteinen aufwerten oder komplett recyceln. Darauf sollten Sie bei der Suche nach einem Goldschmied achten.

bit.ly/3ZV2wuy diesachsen.de/wirtschaft/golds

#goldschmied #dresden #goldring #handwerk #altgold #gold

Last updated 2 years ago

juiceglass (artist) · @juiceglass
122 followers · 285 posts · Server artisan.chat

I love this ring. It sold last year, but I keep the photo around to remind me to make another one in a similar style. The glass bees are just so .. *hug* 24k gold, sterling silver, glass.

If I ever post anything that you think you'd like to be a forever home for, just @ me. You can also say something like, "I love this but can it be purple instead?" The answer is likely yes.

#glassart #jewelry #silver #silverring #artglass #lampwork #rings #ring #goldring #MastoArt #art #Metalart #ArtJewelry

Last updated 2 years ago