🎢 #GoldRush, le grand huit familial de #Kingoland dans le Morbihan ➡️ http://bit.ly/2AUWgcb #themeparks #rollercoasters
#rollercoasters #Themeparks #kingoland #goldrush
Courthouse and jail from the Gold Rush era ⚖️
#shastastatehistoricpark #shasta #california #norcal #goldrush #courthouse #jail #history #roadtrip #photography #travelphotography #fuji #fujifilmxs10 #fujinonxf1680mmf4roiswr #provia #filmsimulation #editedincaptureone
#shastastatehistoricpark #Shasta #california #norcal #goldrush #courthouse #jail #history #roadtrip #photography #travelphotography #fuji #fujifilmxs10 #fujinonxf1680mmf4roiswr #provia #FilmSimulation #editedincaptureone
TV TONIGHT (September 1)
#TheWheelOfTime #PowerForce #Disenchantment #HowToWithJohnWilson #TheLostFlowersOfAliceHart #FamilyLaw #GodFamilyFootball #LoveIsBlind #USOpen #SmackDown #GoldRush #ReadyToLove #WomenOnDeathRow #LoveDuringLockup #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #loveduringlockup #womenondeathrow #readytolove #goldrush #smackdown #USOpen #LoveIsBlind #godfamilyfootball #familylaw #thelostflowersofalicehart #HowtoWithJohnWilson #disenchantment #powerforce #TheWheelOfTime
TV TONIGHT (August 25)
#YouAreSoNotInvitedToMyBatMitzvah #VacationFriends2 #Moonshine #TheProofIsOutThere #ZeroGravity #KillerBookClub #NASCAR #NFLPreseason #SmackDown #GoldRush #ReadyToLove #WitnessToMurder #MyLotteryDreamHome #HeelsSTARZ #AEWRampage
#AEWRampage #heelsstarz #mylotterydreamhome #witnesstomurder #readytolove #goldrush #smackdown #nflpreseason #nascar #killerbookclub #zerogravity #theproofisoutthere #Moonshine #vacationfriends2 #youaresonotinvitedtomybatmitzvah
the way online advertising is evolving resembles the #economic effect of #NativeAmericans not understanding the value of the land they were giving up given the concept of land ownership itself never evolved in their #existential narratives... Today's #data grab is yesterday's #LandGrab, #GoldRush etc
#economic #nativeamericans #existential #data #landgrab #goldrush #ethereum
TV TONIGHT (August 18)
#Shelter #MaskGirl #TimeOfEssence #PraisePetey #TheSummerITurnedPretty #PuppyLove #PrettyFreekinScary #LEGODisneyPrincess #EveryBody #TheMoreLoveGrows #GoldRush #FamilyLaw #SmackDown #SecretCelebrityRenovation #AncientAliens
#ancientaliens #secretcelebrityrenovation #smackdown #familylaw #goldrush #themorelovegrows #everybody #legodisneyprincess #prettyfreekinscary #puppylove #thesummeriturnedpretty #praisepetey #timeofessence #maskgirl #shelter
TV TONIGHT (August 4)
#TheLostFlowersOfAliceHart #100DayDreamHome #TheBigNailedItBakingChallenge #SecretCelebrityRenovation #WomenOnDeathRow #TheMarriagePact #SmackDown #Moonshine #ReadyToLove #GoldRush #AncientAliens #Minx #Boxing #LoveDuringLockup
#loveduringlockup #boxing #minx #ancientaliens #goldrush #readytolove #Moonshine #smackdown #themarriagepact #womenondeathrow #secretcelebrityrenovation #thebignaileditbakingchallenge #100daydreamhome #thelostflowersofalicehart
TV TONIGHT (July 21)
#Minx #AlmostParadise #DragRace #TheyClonedTyrone #StephenCurryUnderrated #PraisePetey #TheSummerITurnedPretty #LoveDuringLockup #ALifelongLove #FamilyLaw #ReadyToLove #MakingModern #FIFAWomensWorldCup #AncientAliens #GoldRush
#goldrush #ancientaliens #fifawomensworldcup #makingmodern #readytolove #familylaw #alifelonglove #loveduringlockup #thesummeriturnedpretty #praisepetey #stephencurryunderrated #theyclonedtyrone #dragrace #AlmostParadise #minx
En ce moment sur @franceinter "Dix trains de loosers pour un Rockefeller" #sociologie #siliconvalley #goldrush
#sociologie #siliconvalley #goldrush
Alongside all the reading, I've been doing some #GrowYourOwn in the back garden.
As well as our usual #KelvedonWonder #peas and #GoldRush #courgettes, we're trying #tomatoes (#SweetMillion and #BlackCherry varieties) and #PakChoi this year. Plus #RainbowChard and #mizuna
#growyourown #kelvedonwonder #peas #goldrush #courgettes #tomatoes #sweetmillion #blackcherry #pakchoi #rainbowchard #mizuna
TV TONIGHT (June 23)
#ImAVirgo #ThePerfectFind #GoldRush #Swagger #TheGreatAmericanJokeOff #GuysAllAmericanRoadTrip #WorldsBest #CatchingKillers #TemptingFortune #QueenOfTheUniverse #SmackDown #Outlander #BelleCollective #AEWRampage #PaintingWithJohn
#paintingwithjohn #AEWRampage #bellecollective #outlander #smackdown #queenoftheuniverse #temptingfortune #catchingkillers #worldsbest #guysallamericanroadtrip #thegreatamericanjokeoff #swagger #goldrush #theperfectfind #imavirgo
#Manifest #WithLove #QueenOfTheUniverse #PaintingWithJohn #SearchingForSoulFood #GuysAllAmericanRoadTrip #ShinyHappyPeopleDoc #DropsOfGod #ShootingStars #RichInLove2 #AtHomeVideos #SmackDown #WhoseLine #GoldRush #RunTheWorld
#RunTheWorld #goldrush #WhoseLine #smackdown #athomevideos #richinlove2 #shootingstars #dropsofgod #shinyhappypeopledoc #guysallamericanroadtrip #searchingforsoulfood #paintingwithjohn #queenoftheuniverse #withlove #manifest
“The whole town is in hysterics. Gentlemen foaming at the mouth, ladies fainting, children throwing somersaults, and all this on account of the extraordinary news from Buninyong.” Yep, GOLD!
Time for the Eureka story again?
🔗 https://www.australianhistoriespodcast.com.au/29-eureka-pt-1-gold/ 🔗
#gold #goldrush #Eureka #History #AustralianHistory #AustralianStories #ozhist #AustralianPodcast #HistoryPodcast
#gold #goldrush #eureka #history #Australianhistory #australianstories #ozhist #australianpodcast #historypodcast
#Primo #TheLastThingHeToldMe #FireCountry #SWAT #BlueBloods #SharkTank #ABLSS #Stillwater #SellingSunset #TheSecretsOfHillsong #Letterkenny #WhiteMenCantJump #SpyMaster #BelleCollective #GoldRush #WhoseLine #PutARingOnIt #PowerGhost
#powerghost #putaringonit #WhoseLine #goldrush #bellecollective #spymaster #whitemencantjump #letterkenny #thesecretsofhillsong #SellingSunset #stillwater #ABLSS #sharktank #bluebloods #swat #firecountry #TheLastThingHeToldMe #primo
There's a lot of philosophy going on in this song. #ILikeToWatch #NeilYoung #GoldRush
#goldrush #neilyoung #iliketowatch
#Silo #TheGreatAmericanBakingShow #TasteTheNation #HarrietTheSpy #MamaJune #Citadel #MrsMaisel #DeathsRoulette #MLB #NBA #NHL #PowerGhost #SmackDown #FireCountry #TheUnXplained #PutARingOnIt #WhoseLine #ABLSS #GoldRush #SharkTank
#sharktank #goldrush #ABLSS #WhoseLine #putaringonit #TheUnXplained #firecountry #smackdown #powerghost #nhl #nba #mlb #deathsroulette #mrsmaisel #citadel #MamaJune #HarrietTheSpy #TasteTheNation #thegreatamericanbakingshow #silo
TV TONIGHT (April 28)
#Citadel #PeterPanAndWendy #Clock #GrandCrew #LifeAfterLockup #CouplesTherapy #FrogAndToad #WarnerBros100Years #KingOfCollectibles #WaveMakers #NFLDraft #SmackDown #PowerGhost #WhoseLine #GoldRush #PutARingOnIt #NBA #MLB #NHL
#nhl #mlb #nba #putaringonit #goldrush #WhoseLine #powerghost #smackdown #NFLDraft #wavemakers #kingofcollectibles #warnerbros100years #FrogandToad #couplestherapy #lifeafterlockup #grandcrew #clock #PeterPanAndWendy #citadel
this is quite an interesting (and long) list of great independent films by #RichardBrody in the @NewYorker
including e.g.: #ToukiBouki by #Mambéty, the first by #SpikeLee („She’s gitta habe it“), #GoldRush or #Psycho (!) …
New Yorker: The Greatest Independent Films of the Twentieth Century https://www.newyorker.com/culture/the-front-row/the-greatest-independent-films-of-the-twentieth-century
@art_film, #Culture, #independentfilm, #Filmmaking, #Cinema, #film, #WorldCinema, #WorldCulture
#richardbrody #toukibouki #mambety #spikelee #goldrush #Psycho #culture #independentfilm #filmmaking #cinema #film #WorldCinema #worldculture
Today in 1858, the first wave of miners arrive in Victoria from California. They are on their way to the Fraser River Gold Rush.
The gold rush will cause a sharp decline in the Indigenous population & lead to the founding of British Columbia as a colony on Aug. 2, 1858.
#gold #goldrush #canada #history #canadian #britishcolumbia #fraserriver
#gold #goldrush #canada #history #canadian #britishcolumbia #fraserriver
#Brazil #GoldMining #GoldRush #SocialMedia #Influencers: "Brazilian creators on TikTok and YouTube are documenting a modern-day gold rush. Among them is Garimpeiro Solitário, who has become somewhat of a mining influencer. His point-of-view (POV) videos show him using metal detectors and going river-diving for gold, giving viewers a glimpse into the garimpeiro (prospector) lifestyle. Several are chock-full of close-ups of rubies, garnets, and gold. In one post, the unnamed creator claims he once earned roughly $40,000 in just three weeks of mining — the Brazilian monthly wage is $560.
“I’m making more than $5,000 a day in nature,” he says in the YouTube video. “The amount of gold in these rivers is still unknown. To get it, you need to be brave.”
Garimpeiro Solitário launched his YouTube channel in 2015, and now has over 200,000 subscribers. But it’s his TikTok account, launched years later in June 2021, that has quickly blown up, recently surpassing 600,000 followers. The most popular of his POV videos on TikTok has over 10.6 million views."
#brazil #goldmining #goldrush #socialmedia #influencers