Wunderschöne Eheringe
Ich durfte mal wieder für ein sehr sympatisches Paar Eheringe herstellen.
Die Dame hat sich für Ihren Ring für natürlich gefärbte rosa Brillanten im tollen fancy light pink Farbton entschieden.
Mehr darüber erfahrt ihr hier:
#talisman #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen #reparaturen
#talisman #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #Goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen #reparaturen
NEW INSTANCE WHO DIS! I’m Danielle, #watercolor #artist, #illustrator and #space nerd. 🚀 I love #painting #spaceflight and #astronomy, #landscapes, #geology and #nature. For more space and #landscape #art, check out my website at https://drose.studio !
My Substack ANALOG ANSIBLE https://daniellerose.substack.com has musings on #creativity and #science. (Also art news & coupons.)
I'm a gemologist, #goldsmith, #writer, #graphicdesigner, internet dinosaur, huge fan of #scifi, #StarWars and #SailorMoon.
#sailormoon #StarWars #SciFi #graphicdesigner #writer #goldsmith #Science #creativity #Art #Landscape #Nature #geology #landscapes #Astronomy #spaceflight #Painting #Space #illustrator #Artist #WaterColor
Lord Zac #Goldsmith (#CON|Centro-destra) ha rassegnato le dimissioni dalla carica di Ministro di Stato per i Territori d'Oltremare, il Commonwealth, l'Energia, il Clima e l'Ambiente.
Goldsmith ha motivato la sua scelta affermando che "il problema non è che il governo sia ostile all'ambiente, è che il nostro Primo Ministro è semplicemente disinteressato".
Ein Anhänger mit Meer
#talisman #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #hagnauambodensee #bodenseeliebe #bodensee #lakeofconstance #konstanz #constance #meersburg #markdorf #überlingen #friedrichshafen #lindau #münchen #munich #kreuzlingen #winterthur #zürich #zurich #ravensburg #ulm #stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen
#talisman #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #Goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #hagnauambodensee #bodenseeliebe #Bodensee #lakeofconstance #konstanz #constance #Meersburg #markdorf #uberlingen #Friedrichshafen #lindau #munchen #munich #Kreuzlingen #Winterthur #zurich #Ravensburg #ulm #Stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen
Neuer Blogbeitrag: In einem meiner Goldschmiedekurse stellte eine Dame Ihren Traumohrschmuck aus 750/ooo Gelbgold und grünen Turmalinen her.
#handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unique #unikat #goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #bodenseeliebe #bodensee #konstanz #meersburg #markdorf #überlingen #friedrichshafen #lindau #münchen #winterthur #zürich #ravensburg #ulm #stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen
#handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unique #unikat #Goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #bodenseeliebe #Bodensee #konstanz #Meersburg #markdorf #uberlingen #Friedrichshafen #lindau #munchen #Winterthur #zurich #Ravensburg #ulm #Stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen
#Supreme_Court Rules Andy Warhol’s #Prince #Art is #Copyright_Infringement:)
Yep its time to keep all the #Copyright_Infringement #Attorneys VERY BUSY. START WITH #BIG_TECH #SEARCH_ENGINES AND #CHAT_GPT!!!
The #United_States Supreme Court has released its opinion on The #Andy_Warhol_Foundation v. #Goldsmith case, finding in #favor of #Lynn_Goldsmith and stating that Warhol’s use of her photo was not fair use.
For those unfamiliar, the Warhol v. Goldsmith case has been ongoing for several years and involves photographer Lynn Goldsmith’s photo of Prince and Andy Warhol’s use of that photo which his Foundation argues was fair use.
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#supreme_court #prince #art #copyright_infringement #ATTORNEYS #big_tech #search_engines #CHAT_GPT #united_states #Andy_Warhol_Foundation #goldsmith #favor #Lynn_Goldsmith #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
#Supreme_Court Rules Andy Warhol’s #Prince #Art is #Copyright_Infringement:) Yep its time to keep all the #Copyright_Infringement attornies VERY BUSY. START WITH BIG TECH #SEARCH_ENGINES AND #CHAT_GPT!!!
The #United_States Supreme Court has released its opinion on The #Andy_Warhol_Foundation v. #Goldsmith case, finding in #favor of #Lynn_Goldsmith and stating that Warhol’s use of her photo was not fair use.
For those unfamiliar, the Warhol v. Goldsmith case has been ongoing for several years and involves photographer Lynn Goldsmith’s photo of Prince and Andy Warhol’s use of that photo which his Foundation argues was fair use.
WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending).
Upon launch all will be notified.
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor -25 years 100K PMS hours
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#supreme_court #prince #art #copyright_infringement #search_engines #CHAT_GPT #united_states #Andy_Warhol_Foundation #goldsmith #favor #Lynn_Goldsmith #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
What We Don’t Know in <em>Warhol</em> – Who the Infringer Is and By Doing What
#copyright #goldsmith #supremecourt #warhol
#Goldsmith, un avventuriero letterario con orecchio giornalistico
A metà del Settecento la Londra del dottor Johnson vantava pregi e brutture di una capitale moderna. «Era una città torva e sordida, incredibilmente sporca … male illuminata, non pavimentate
The post #Goldsmith, un avventuriero letterario con orecchio giornalistico first appeared on il manifesto.
#Goldsmith, a literary adventurer with a journalistic ear
In the mid-eighteenth century, Dr Johnson's London boasted the virtues and ugliness of a modern capital. 'It was a grim and sordid city, incredibly dirty ... badly lit, unpaved
The post #Goldsmith, a literary adventurer with a journalistic ear first appeared on il manifesto.
20-5-2023 22:3 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/goldsmith-un-avventuriero-letterario-con-orecchio-giornalistico
#Goldsmith, un avventuriero letterario con orecchio giornalistico
A metà del Settecento la Londra del dottor Johnson vantava pregi e brutture di una capitale moderna. «Era una città torva e sordida, incredibilmente sporca … male illuminata, non pavimentate
The post #Goldsmith, un avventuriero letterario con orecchio giornalistico first appeared on il manifesto.
#Goldsmith, a literary adventurer with a journalistic ear
In the mid-eighteenth century, Dr Johnson's London boasted the virtues and ugliness of a modern capital. 'It was a grim and sordid city, incredibly dirty ... badly lit, unpaved
The post #Goldsmith, a literary adventurer with a journalistic ear first appeared on il manifesto.
21-5-2023 0:3 #il manifesto https://cms.ilmanifesto.it https://ilmanifesto.it/goldsmith-un-avventuriero-letterario-con-orecchio-giornalistico
Schmuckset für einen Teenager
#talisman #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #hagnauambodensee #bodenseeliebe #bodensee #lakeofconstance #konstanz #constance #meersburg #markdorf #überlingen #friedrichshafen #lindau #münchen #munich #kreuzlingen #winterthur #zürich #zurich #ravensburg #ulm #stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen
#talisman #handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #Goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #hagnauambodensee #bodenseeliebe #Bodensee #lakeofconstance #konstanz #constance #Meersburg #markdorf #uberlingen #Friedrichshafen #lindau #munchen #munich #Kreuzlingen #Winterthur #zurich #Ravensburg #ulm #Stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen
Und hier das fertige Original. Anhänger für ein junges Mädchen aus Sterlingsilber und einem Fair Trade Feingoldnugget.
#handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #hagnauambodensee #bodenseeliebe #bodensee #konstanz #meersburg #markdorf #überlingen #friedrichshafen #lindau #münchen #winterthur #zürich #ravensburg #ulm #stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen
#handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #Goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #hagnauambodensee #bodenseeliebe #Bodensee #konstanz #Meersburg #markdorf #uberlingen #Friedrichshafen #lindau #munchen #Winterthur #zurich #Ravensburg #ulm #Stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse #umarbeitungen
Let's go. Schönen Start in den Frühling wünsche ich euch allen.
Anhänger für ein junges Mädchen mit Fair Trade Feingoldnugget.
#handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #hagnauambodensee #bodenseeliebe #bodensee #konstanz #meersburg #markdorf #überlingen #friedrichshafen #lindau #münchen #winterthur #zürich #ravensburg #ulm #stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse
#handcrafted #handmadejewelry #handgemacht #unikatschmucktobiasmichel #unique #unikat #Goldschmied #goldsmith #dowhatyoulove #hagnau #hagnauambodensee #bodenseeliebe #Bodensee #konstanz #Meersburg #markdorf #uberlingen #Friedrichshafen #lindau #munchen #Winterthur #zurich #Ravensburg #ulm #Stuttgart #eheringe #verlobungsringe #trauringe #goldschmiedekurse
Fixed a sovereign ring for a client. Pegs that hold the coin in place were broken so replaced them. #gold #goldsmith #jewellery
Been working non-stop in order to get some pieces ready to bring to a local Craft Market this coming Sunday. Here are two latest ones, I seem to be obsessing over grey moonstones currently.
The triple moon I am super happy with- the stone sits so nicely in and the decoration underneath the collet is a cute detail. I also love the fan shape on the asymmetrical ring, will make a pair of earrings to match.
#fediGiftShop #jewellery #mastoArt #supportSmallBusiness #goldsmith
#goldsmith #supportsmallbusiness #MastoArt #jewellery #fedigiftshop
Right now, #Goldsmith #Weber #Bartók with Hill and #Mozart from #Adelaide https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/goldsmith_weber_bartok_with_hill_and_mozart_from_adelaide/74191/ #wch
#goldsmith #Weber #bartok #Mozart #adelaide #wch
In 25 minutes, #Goldsmith #Weber #Bartók with Hill and #Mozart from #Adelaide https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/goldsmith_weber_bartok_with_hill_and_mozart_from_adelaide/74191/ #wch
#goldsmith #Weber #bartok #Mozart #adelaide #wch
Today, #Goldsmith #Weber #Bartók with Hill and #Mozart from #Adelaide https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/goldsmith_weber_bartok_with_hill_and_mozart_from_adelaide/74191/ #wch
#goldsmith #Weber #bartok #Mozart #adelaide #wch
Flash sale in my Etsyshop and my webshop, I just decided.
10% off everything until Friday 24th.
#fediGiftShop #MastoArt #productPhotos #silverJewellery #goldSmith #supportSmallBusiness
#supportsmallbusiness #goldsmith #SilverJewellery #productphotos #MastoArt #fedigiftshop
Right now, film music for brass from #Copenhagen: #Williams #Goldsmith #Broughton and #Horner https://www.worldconcerthall.com/en/schedule/film_music_for_brass_from_copenhagen_williams_goldsmith_broughton_and_horner/73444/ #wch
#copenhagen #williams #goldsmith #Broughton #horner #wch