Watch | Kannan and Co. #GoliSoda in #Vellore district of #TamilNadu, is successfully marching towards its 100th year. It is one of the first goli soda businesses in the Madras province in the British era. Watch here:
@AvantikaKrish @venkathin #press
#golisoda #vellore #tamilnadu #press
As #Vellore's popular #GoliSoda brand Kannan and Co. closes in on a century, @AvantikaKrish traces its journey from the time of inception in erstwhile British era to the present day revival of the drink. Read here: #press
As #Vellore's popular #GoliSoda brand Kannan and Co. closes in on a century, @AvantikaKrish traces its journey from the time of inception in erstwhile British era to the present day revival of the drink. Read here: #press