RT @igorsushko
With #Dorofeev's imminent departure as head of Moscow region FSB, suspicions rise #Makarov's assassination is FSB's witness clean up as he had intimate knowledge of the botched fabricated criminal case against investigate journalist Ivan #Golunov in 2019.
The art of independent journalism.
A Facepalm and a Snoutpaw
(peertube: https://devtube.dev-wiki.de/videos/watch/360cd363-a3cb-4cdf-bf2e-adaf99b8b201)
Sotnik-TV live stream broadcast of 08 June 2019.
#Russia #Golunov #Putin
Ā«Golunov caseĀ» and Russian society reaction to the journalist arrest, Saint-Petersburg Economic Forum, and the reality of Russian economy stagnation are the main topics of the live stream of Alexander Sotnik, the journalist.
#putin #TerroristState #civilwar #Sotnik #russia #golunov #gulag