Well, fuck you, G/O Media.
You might as well just fucking shutter Gizmodo en Español. It would be more respectful, at any rate.
But yeah, therein lies the problem: Corporate overlords don’t respect anything but money. Short-term money, specifically, because they don’t seem to be able to plan long-term. Fucking idiots.
#Gizmodo #GizmodoEnEspañol #GOMedia #LateStageCapitalism #NoToAI
#gizmodo #gizmodoenespanol #gomedia #latestagecapitalism #notoai
Gizmodo: Google Is Pushing AI Tool on Newsrooms to 'Help' Journalists https://gizmodo.com/google-is-pushing-ai-tool-on-newsrooms-to-help-journali-1850659346 #generativeartificialintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #wallstreetjournal #alphabetinc #newscorp #gomedia #google
#generativeartificialintelligence #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #wallstreetjournal #alphabetinc #newscorp #gomedia #google
"Introducing computer-generated garbage undermines our ability to do our jobs, erodes trust in us as journalists, damages our brands, and threatens our jobs." GMG Union
Surprising no one, G/O Media jumps into AI-generated content. Despite everything, I still enjoy #Jalopnik and #Kotaku, but the geniuses running G/O continue to do everything possible to undermine and devalue them. 😡
The union recommends that if you see a byline ending in “Bot,” don’t click it.
#jalopnik #kotaku #ai #gmgunion #gomedia
"Our newsrooms have spent decades building trust with audiences—introducing computer-generated garbage undermines our ability to do our jobs, erodes trust in us as journalists, damages our brands, and threatens our jobs." GMG Union
Surprising no one, G/O Media jumps into AI-generated content. Despite everything, I still enjoy #Jalopnik and #Kotaku, but the geniuses running G/O continue to do everything possible to undermine and devalue them. 😡
#jalopnik #kotaku #ai #gmgunion #gomedia