@politicalgadgets For me this plodding dope remains Straya's very own #GomerPyle 😜
"It was fun to play with him."
— Ann B. Davis
#AllanMelvin (1923–2008) would have been 100 today.
#BornOnThisDay #TheBradyBunch #MagillaGorilla #SgtBilko #AndyGriffith #GomerPyle #ClassicTV #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #classictv #gomerpyle #andygriffith #sgtbilko #magillagorilla #thebradybunch #bornonthisday #allanmelvin
TV Q&A: Glad to get this question because the answer was more interesting than I would have guessed: What happened to Steinberg from the Steidl & Steinberg ads? Where's #SayYesToTheDress gone? Will #GomerPyle return to @MeTV ? via @TribLIVE - https://triblive.com/aande/movies-tv/tv-qa-what-happened-to-steinberg-in-those-steidl-steinberg-commercials/
“I’ve just always been funny.”
— #RonnieSchell
Duke from #GomerPyle— a familiar face and voice for 65 years — is 91 today.
#nostalgia #1960stv #1960s #classictv #bornonthisday #gomerpyle #ronnieschell